UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (2178 total)

  • loc_gold_000225_000244.pdf

    Three letters from Bea to Ike Schiffman. Written on Stromberg, Kraus & Co. letterhead from Louisville, Kentucky. The letters detail business struggles had by Bea and responses to various business suggestions Schiffman offered. Bea also requests futher advice regarding the business. Strombery, Kraus & Co. are manufacturers of trunks and traveling bags. The first letter ends with Bea disclosing that his wife is sick. The second letter mentions bank failures and worries throughout the banking industry and other businesses. A financial panic started in 1893, resulting in a depression that would last through 1898. These letters reflect these fears as they are written at the start of the panic.
  • loc_gold_000167_000167.pdf

    A handwritten note that says: 1922 [sic] to T. T. Terry 96.00.
  • loc_gold_000031_000031.pdf

    This receipt totalling $31.56 has no indication of its origin.
  • loc_hutc_000222_000222.pdf

    Pictured is an illustration of an airplane flying over the Tennesee Valley. Sponsored By The Huntsville Salesman's Club. Via Air Mail. L.G. Collier Postmaster Chamber of Commerce
  • loc_hutc_000204_000205.pdf

    Written on Wheeler Construction Company (Vicksburg, Canton and Yazoo City Rail Road.) letterhead, this letter addressed to "Gentlemen" is badly burnt and difficult to discern the subject matter. It appears to have been signed by Crawden & Newman of Huntsville, Alabama. The back contains a handwritten note that reads, "Papers relating to Richmond Steele Matters."
  • loc_hutc_000187_000190.pdf

    This letter details a compromise regarding the railroad and buildings on the ground deeded to the railroad. The author states that this will not affect Benedict's purchase price. It also includes information regarding the Coxe Estate. The memo included from the Report of Railroad Officials further details the available lots and those that belong to the railroad and the Coxe Estate.
  • loc_hutc_000163_000164.pdf

    This newspaper clipping contains the obituary for Mary Elizabeth Newman, wife of Dr. Francis H. Newman and great-grandmother of Eleanor Hutchens. Includes the scan of the reverse side of the newspaper clipping.
  • loc_hutc_000157_000158.pdf

    This envelope has "old family papers" written on the front as well as multiple stamps. The back includes three stamps from Huntsville, Alabama and Atlanta, Georgia.
  • loc_hutc_000065_000066.pdf

    Handwritten calculations of six month rent from October 1, 1938 to April 1, 1939.
  • loc_hutc_000063_000064.pdf

    This is a list of companies in the Textile-Shares Corporation. It also includes textile bonds and the end. The back has a faded handwritten note. $10.00, July 25, 1939, and Madison , Alabama can be made out.
  • loc_hutc_000050_000050.pdf

    This envelope has its contents written on it. Some words are crossed out, others are blurred, and some are illegible due to the wear of the paper.
  • loc_hutc_000029_000029.pdf

    On back: "William Wyeth Newman, 1872-1956"
  • loc_hutc_000027_000028.pdf

    Photo subjects, from left to right: Lawson Withers White, James Bradley White, Lawson Wallace Law White
  • loc_hutc_000024_000025.pdf

    This photograph of Susie White was taken in 1870 by Robinson & Murphy of Huntsville, Alabama. On the back is written, "Susie Withers White / 1845-93."
  • loc_hutc_000003_000004.pdf

    Postcard sent from Venice to Mrs. W. W. Newman, or Ellen W. Newman, in Huntsville, Alabama by Columbia. The front shows a photograph of Columbia and Margie. This postcard was found in a blank envelope with "Mrs. W. W. Newman 427 Locust St. Huntsville Ala." printed on the flap.
  • spc_nick_000611_000615.pdf

    This article, "Army 'Leak' Probe Agitates Redstone", published in the February 1957 issue, details secret information that went public in 1957 through Drew Pearson. The "leak" concerns the "Wilson Memorandum" that transfers the Army's role to the Air Force in the development and control of guided and ballistic missiles and rockets. The leak is traced back to Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr. The article states that the "prevailing opinion is that Col. Nickerson is being made a scapegoat by persons very high up in the Army." The article further details the events that led to the court martial of Colonel Nickerson.
  • spc_nick_000609_000609.pdf

    This is a copy of an index that contains entries related to Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr. and his court martial. The index contains entries that are found in the Army Navy Register and the Army Navy Journal.
  • spc_nick_000603_000608.pdf

    A conversation between Lieutenant General Austin W. Betts, Colonel Henk, and Colonel Wahle, published as a part fo the US Army Military History Research Collection. This conversation details the "Army versus the Air Force difficulties in the late '50's" during the transfer of the missile and space program. This program switch was the basis of the case United States v. Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr. as Nickerson was in charge of the program. This document contain only the portion relative to Colonel Nickerson.
  • spc_nick_000537_000540.pdf

    These notes related to Dr. Wernher von Braun's testimony and knowledge of the situation surrounding Colonel Nickerson. It also includes factual information on the missile program and its switch from Army control to Air Force control.
  • spc_nick_000536_000536.pdf

    Various handwritten notes on aspects of the Nickerson trial including published news articles, the Jupiter missile and army ballistic missile agency, and statements made by Dr. von Braun.
  • spc_nick_000532_000535.pdf

    These notes contain detailed information about Dr. Ernest Stuhlinger including his background, experience, training, knowledge of John C. Nickerson, Jr., his thoughts on the Wilson Memo, and the Jupiter missile program.
  • spc_nick_000530_000531.pdf

    Handwritten notes regarding the Nickerson case. These include lists of various aspects related to Nickerson and other witnesses including Dr. von Braun and Dr. Stuhlinger.
  • spc_nick_000526_000529.pdf

    Handwritten notes regarding the Nickerson case. The author is unknown.
  • spc_nick_000525_000525.pdf

    These notes include a summary of the court proceedings, the order in which testimonies were heard or stipulations were read, and a seating chart at the top.
  • spc_nick_000509_000524.pdf

    Detailed notes that provide information on Colonel John C. Nickerson's career in the military and involvement with the missile program. The information on Nickerson follows his career up until the disclosure of classified materials that led to his court-martial and trial.
  • spc_nick_000500_000505.pdf

    This is the summary of the testimony of a witness in the Nickerson case. He is referred to as "B" throughout the document.
  • spc_nick_000498_000499.pdf

    This includes clarifications from the interrogation of General Medaris and other various information.
  • spc_nick_000484_000497.pdf

    These handwritten notes include general information from the case of Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr. Topics include general information and assessment related to the missile program, particularly in the transfer of the program from Army to Air Force direction. It also includes notes on the postponement of the trial.
  • spc_nick_000480_000483.pdf

    This note states that according to "certain rules of evidence" established by the Federal courts, all information that is necessary for the case must be made available "regardless of the classification of the evidence."
  • spc_nick_000476_000479.pdf

    These trial notes include information given by a witness named James during his final testimony. James states that he is the one who suggested the name of journalist Drew Pearson to Colonel Nickerson.
  • spc_nick_000475_000475.pdf

    This handwritten note states that "he" is unable to inform the court-martial of the "essential components" of the defense without disclosing top secret information.
  • spc_nick_000472_000474.pdf

    This handwritten document contains notes for a witness examination by both the prosecution and defense during the trial of Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr.
  • spc_nick_000471_000471.pdf

    This handwritten note states that Colonel Nickerson "has pleaded guilty." It also notes that there are stipulations in the charges that are duplicates. It also contains the names of various people involved with the case including Dr. Stuhlinger, Dr. von Braun and General Pickering.
  • spc_nick_000460_000466_000575_000577.pdf

    A typed version and the andwritten notes regarding the Nickerson case. The author is unknown. These notes regard Nickerson's "Considerations on the Wilson Memorandum" and more.
  • spc_nick_000459_000459.pdf

    Addressed to the "Gentlemen of the court", this statement outlines the reason for the trial and ends stating, "Colonel Nickerson pleads not guilty to all the charges and specifications."
  • spc_nick_000458_000458.pdf

    Handwritten contact information for Drew Pearson. Pearson was the journalist whom make Nickerson's classified documents public.
  • spc_nick_000450_000457.pdf

    Various handwritten notes on the Army missile program and other information pertaining to the case of Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr.
  • spc_nick_000447_000449_000506_000508.pdf

    These handwritten copies contain the testimony of Mr. Weisman.
  • spc_nick_000446_000446.pdf

    Alexander writes to thank Quarles for making the arrangements that allowed him and his party to "see so many things of interest in the guided missile field." He adds that Lieutenant Colonel Nickerson was very "helpful and informative".
  • spc_nick_000405_000414.pdf

    This compilation covers periods in Nickerson's career from 1939 to 1953. In includes various reporting officers writing of Nickerson's character, actions, and command.
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