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  • spacebusinessdaily_19660214.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 30 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the response to a call for a six-month feasibility and preliminary design study of data relay satellites, scheduled hearings by the House Space Subcommittee, the announcement of MOL manned launches to be flown out of California not Florida sparks opposition to the plan, various launches and test dates, charts of manned space flight supporting research, space science and applications supporting research, advanced research and technology supporting research, and tracking and data acquisition supporting research, a report on NASA's advanced research and technology budget for 1967, topics on Future Space Business, the unveiling of a flight model of the Phoenix air-to-air missile, and DOD and NASA grants and negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660216.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 32 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the bidding for the development and fabrication contract for a ComSat multipurpose satellite, "trade mission reports on European Space Business," the halt of testing for the AGENA target vehicle for the Gemini VII mission, part two of recommendations regarding rocket/satellite research, the full-size experimental model of the Local Scientific Survey Module, changes in earnings and other financial information, and DOD and NASA negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660228.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 39 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the ordering of seven-segment solid motors by the Air Force Space Systems Division for the MOL program, concern over the presented Apollo Applications plans for a manned space flight, the potential operational communications satellite system for tactile messages between warring units, another postponement of the Saturn IB launch, budget requirements in 1968 for the SNAP 8 program to continue, part twoi of the detailed breakdown of the Defense Secretary's funding position for space and missile projects for 1967, various business acquisitions and changes in earnings, the plans for a new facility to be built to house ramjet experimentation, topics on Future Space Business, and NASA contracts and negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660208.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 26 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the integration of an Apollo mapping/survey system, further analysis of Soviet techniques through the Lunik IX soft-lander and other information regarding the spacecraft, plans for various upcoming tests and launches, the study of nuclear generator burnup, topics on Future Space Business, and DOD and NASA contracts and negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660209.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 27 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the first flight of the lunar soft-lander Surveyor, the possibility of a manned circumlunar flight of Apollo, the expectation of a Franco-Soviet space agreement, a call from England for U.S./Soviet space cooperation, possible locations for the ComSat US ground station, a report of the Soviet soft-lander Lunik IX and accompanying photos, topics on Future Space Business, and DOD and NASA contracts and negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660114.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 10 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include an analysis of the National Space Program, study areas in the Apollo Applications remote sensor program, the Aerospace Medical Division's plan for a guide to space law to be used as a basic reference for all space agencies, various contracts awarded, the delivery of the first Apollo TV camera, a warning of a possible Soviet breakthrough in missile defense, the Saturn IB launch vehicle's readiness, and DOD and NASA contracts and negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660118.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 12 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the continued search for a data relay satellite network, the conclusion of the High-Boost Experiment test program, the success of the static test firing of Lockheed-Propulsion's second stage solid rocket motor, the delivery of the HL-10 lifting body, various personnel changes and agency reorganization, recommendations for a post-Apollo space program, economic and financial changes and impacts, and DOD and NASA contracts and negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660120.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 14 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include hearings conducted by the Oversight Subcommittee, the European space industry concerns, the testing of the Lunar Hopper, the two phase program for defining the Apollo Applications program, contracts awarded to develop of 12-man communications system, economic and financial changes and impacts, topics on Future Space Business, and DOD and NASA contracts and negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660131.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 21 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include penetration aids development, the possibility of the AA space shuttle test, U.S. defense capability for a possible nuclear attack, the first test firings of the flight-model Saturn V first stage, changes in earnings and other financial impacts, "the general nuclear war problem," topics on Future Space Business, and DOD and NASA grants, contracts, and negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660107.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 5 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the upcoming selection of 15 new astronauts, an analytical review of the 1967 NASA budget, the Apollo program and the Apollo Applications program, an experimental profile for a manned lunar orbital mission, the planned study of space-oceanography feasibility, the preliminary design model of Philco's automated biological laboratory, contract finances and changes, a proposed contract for an electromagnetic interference study, and DOD and NASA contracts.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19651118.pdf

    This is Vol. 23, No. 13 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the proposal for a manned Mars mission in 1984, studies for new re-entry communications blackout solutions, economic impacts and changes, Saturn V booster stages recovery studies, the completion of the test model of the Apollo deep space antenna, and the missions of the applications technology satellites.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19651102.pdf

    This is Vol. 23, No. 2 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the acceleration of Soviet space testing activities, requests for advanced satellite tracking studies, the first flight model of the French satellite family, Gemini VI and VII, upcoming conferences, financial backlogs, earnings, and sales changes, contracts awarded, and several negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19651122.pdf

    This is Vol. 23, No. 15 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the initial studies of the Advanced Defense Communications Satellite Project, various companies awarded grants and funding for space related projects, an update on the French space agency's tracking networks, test setting dates and results, the delay of the Gemini flight preparations due to the McDonnell strike, economic impacts and changes, and DOD and NASA contracts and negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19651129.pdf

    This is Vol. 23, No. 18 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the direct FM broadcast satellite, Boeing's study on extended radiation exposure in space missions, an update on the preparations for the Gemini missions, the recovery of the French test rocket ICBM Force De Dissuasion, the construction of the first test models of the lunar orbiter, the first drop test of the Surveyor, the official end of the McDonnell strike, a list of the top DOD contractors, various space studies, and DOD and NASA contracts and negotiations.
  • spc_schl_007_058a.pdf
  • SpaceJournal_1957-Summer_LowResolution.pdf

    This issue of Space Journal includes articles written by Fred L. Whipple, Hermann Oberth, and Ernst Stuhlinger, as well as a foreword by Wernher von Braun. The issue also includes drawings for an observatory to be built at the top of Monte Sano Mountain in Huntsville, Alabama. Produced by the Rocket City Astronomical Association (now known as the Von Braun Astronomical Society), Space Journal was published in Huntsville from 1957 to 1959. This digitized copy was generously provided by Jeff Bennett at the Von Braun Astronomical Society (VBAS).
  • spc_hinr_001_060a.pdf
  • Q162B6T4_001_063a.pdf

    This set of illustrated cards includes thirty color prints of various animals of the prehistoric world. The Theodor Reichardt Cocoa Company produced five different series of these cards in the early twentieth century. While the cover indicates that this volume contains cards from series 1a, it also includes cards from series 1 and series 2a. Many of the pages show notes made in ink by science writer Willy Ley, the book's original owner.
  • loc_jojr_000061.pdf
  • loc_jojr_000062.pdf
  • Loc_burw-758.pdf

    Photograph number 540. This photograph shows a view from the 1108th Headquarters in Mignano, Italy, located in the Province of Caserta. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • Loc_burw-759.pdf

    Photograph number 541. This photograph shows a view from the 1108th Headquarters in Mignano, Italy, located in the Province of Caserta. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • Loc_burw-760.pdf

    Photograph number 542. This photograph shows a view from the 1108th Headquarters in Mignano, Italy, located in the Province of Caserta. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • Loc_burw-761.pdf

    Photograph number 543. This photograph shows a view from the 1108th Headquarters in Mignano, Italy, located in the Province of Caserta. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • Loc_burw-762.pdf

    Photograph number 544. This photograph shows vehicles on a road near the 1108th Headquarters in Mignano, Italy, located in the Province of Caserta. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • Loc_burw-763.pdf

    Photograph number 545. This photograph shows a view near the 1108th Headquarters in Mignano, Italy, located in the Province of Caserta. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • Loc_burw-764.pdf

    Photograph number 546. This photograph shows a three figures, all of whom appear female, inside the 1108th Headquarters in Mignano, Italy, located in the Province of Caserta. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • Loc_burw-765.pdf

    Photograph number 547. This photograph shows a view near the 1108th Headquarters in Mignano, Italy, located in the Province of Caserta. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • Loc_burw-766.pdf

    Photograph number 548. This photograph shows a damaged building. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • Loc_burw-767.pdf

    Photograph number 549. This photograph shows a damaged building. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • Loc_burw-768.pdf

    Photograph number 550. This photograph shows a view of the 1108th Headquarters in Mignano, Italy, located in the Province of Caserta. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • Loc_burw-769.pdf

    Photograph number 551. This photograph shows a view of the 1108th Headquarters in Mignano, Italy, located in the Province of Caserta. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • Loc_burw-770.pdf

    Photograph number 552. This photograph shows military personnel in the mess line at the 1108th Headquarters in Mignano, Italy, located in the Province of Caserta. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • Loc_burw-771.pdf

    Photograph number 553. This photograph shows military personnel in the mess line at the 1108th Headquarters in Mignano, Italy, located in the Province of Caserta. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • Loc_burw-772.pdf

    Photograph number 554. This photograph shows two Italian children at the 1108th Headquarters in Mignano, Italy, located in the Province of Caserta. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • Loc_burw-773.pdf

    Photograph number 555. This photograph shows military personnel in the mess line at the 1108th Headquarters in Mignano, Italy, located in the Province of Caserta. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • Loc_burw-774.pdf

    Photograph number 556. This photograph shows military personnel in the mess line at the 1108th Headquarters in Mignano, Italy, located in the Province of Caserta. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • Loc_burw-775.pdf

    Photograph number 557. This photograph shows two Italian children near the military personnel eating at the 1108th Headquarters in Mignano, Italy, located in the Province of Caserta. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • Loc_burw-776.pdf

    Photograph number 558. This photograph shows military personnel eating at the 1108th Headquarters in Mignano, Italy, located in the Province of Caserta. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • Loc_burw-777.pdf

    Photograph number 559. This photograph shows military personnel eating at the 1108th Headquarters in Mignano, Italy, located in the Province of Caserta. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
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