UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • LMSystDesc_052410121822.pdf

    Report that describes the major systems of the Lunar Module.
  • mandevinfrep_051608125533.pdf.pdf

    The Committee on Interdivisional Dissemination of Manufacturing Development Information (CIDMDI) is comprised of NR - divisional representatives closely associated with advancement of the manufacturing arts . The purpose of the committee is to impart and receive development information of interest to NR manufacturing areas. Space Division's Central Manufacturing presents this CIDMDI Annual Report, for CFY 1968, in compliance with CIDMDI objectives. Included are research projects conducted by Central Manufacturing,as well as pertinent items submitted by the Apollo and Saturn Projects, for which, acknowledgement and appreciation are extended. Because of the large number of reports contained in this issue, only general information has been presented. Detailed data, if permissible, will be made available on request. For further information, contact L. B. Norwood, Space Division, Extension 1915.; PAP 68-0013.; Prepared by Advanced Projects Section of Central Manufacturing. L. B. Norwood, CIDMDI, Representative. F. H. Burry, Director, Manufacturing.
  • iusivbforskiorbandtratheana_081707134156.pdf

    This report determines the maximum and minimum solar and terrestrial thermal energy incident and absorbed by Saturn IB/V vehicles in earth orbit and translunar travel. The influence' of this external energy on the Instrument Unit Thermal Conditioning System performance, and consequently its adequacy to maintain the electronic packages at acceptable temperature limits is ascertained. Conclusions are: a) Methanol/water coolant temperature will deviate from 111 specifications only during translunar cold flights. However, adequate thermal conditioning of the electronic equipment would still be maintained. b) Instrument Unit missions exceeding 6 1/2 hours, or electronic packages heat dissipation magnitudes lower than 3 kw or higher than 8.5 kw, should be reviewed to ascertain thermal compatibility.
  • JunoVspacvehi.pdf

    The initial phase of the JUNO V space vehicle development program, as presented herein, provides for a static demonstration and a total of four flight feasibility tests. The latter two flights will give the U.S. its first payload capability in excess of 10,000 lb in mid 1961. The objective of the overall program is to provide a reliable, economical, and flexible carrier vehicle with relatively large payload capability for orbital and space missions at the earliest possible date.
  • JunoVtransfeasstud_022807133058.pdf.pdf

    The purpose of this report is to present an investigation to determine the feasible, practical and economical method of transporting the JUNO V thrust unit. This includes the first phase of transporting between Fabrication Laboratory, Systems Analysis and Reliability Laboratory and to the test stand, as well as the later phases, onto the Redstone Arsenal loading docks and from there down the Tennessee, Ohio and Mississippi Rivers to the Atlantic Missile Range, Florida.; Transportation and Packaging Section, Systems Support Equipment Laboratory.
  • junovvehiclers_022107152001.pdf

    This report io the second in a scrics of reports on the JUNO V Space I Vehicle Development Program and indicates the present status of the overall I program. The objective of the overall program is to provide a reliable, economical, and flexible carrier vehicle with relatively large payload capability for orbital and space missions at the earliest possible date.
  • launinfosatus-iv_062007154516.pdf

    The RL10, which powers the National Aeronautics and Space Administration' s Saturn S-IV, is the newest propulsion system to be put to work in advancing our nation's space effortr On November 27, 1963, a pair of RLlO's successfully powered a five-ton Centaur space vehicle in earth orbit in the first flight demonstration of the outer space powerplant which uses high-nenergy liquid hydrogen as fuel. A six-engine cluster of RLlO' s, generating a total of 90, 000 pounds of thrust, powers the Saturn S-IV stage. The 15, 000 pound-thrust engine was designed and developed for NASA's Mar shall Space Flight Center at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft's Florida Research and Development Center, 20 miles northwest of West Palm Beach.
  • launvehiengiprojdeveplanjanu1,1967.pdf

    This revised edition of the Launch Vehicle Engines Project Development Plan supersedes the issue dated July 1, 1965. Significant changes which have been made are:- Removal of classified data to permit publication as an unclassified document; - Removal of material applicable to the RL-10 Engine Project which was transferred to the Lewis Research Center effective May 1, 1966; - Elimination of detailed schedules which quickly become obsolete; - Punched for maintenance in loose-leaf 3-ring binders and for ease in updating material through issuance of replacement sheets. Binders are not furnished. The information in this document is current to January 1, 1967.; The Launch Vehicle Engines Project Development Plan is established in accordance with requirements of NASA General Management Instruction 4-1-1, Planning and Implementation of NASA Projects, and OMSF Instruction MP 9320.044, Preparation and Revision of Program/Project Development Plans (PDP's). The Plan, herein referred to as the PDP, has been developed within the scope of current Apollo Projects Approval Documents (PADS) and will be maintained by the Engine Program Manager to identify program requirements, responsibilities, tasks, and resources, and time phasing of major actions required to accomplish the Engine Program.
  • humafactatmsky1.pdf.pdf

    Statement of work: Man/Machine activities -ATM; ATM problem areas; EVA commuting problem; Other EVA considerations; Analysis of crew considerations Mission 211/212; Mission objectives Crew Considerations; Mission Fight Profile & Operations Crew Considerations; Experiment operations crew considerations; EVA equipment requirements; Crew considerations carrier recommendations; Conclusions and recommendations crew considerations; Crew operations requirements preliminary 10 August 1996; ATM stabilization and control; ATM Carrier habitability and profile; Other ATM man/machine considerations.; Original is a poor photocopy.; Document has no page numbering.
  • Inteprobspaceexpe_092507162431.pdf

    Space experimentation is expanding rapidly. Unmanned satellites are being equipped with precision instruments of greater power, and manned space stations accommodating large crews are in the drawing-board stage. The interface problems between these sophisticated instruments and between man, the spacecraft, and the supporting groundstations are multidimensional. This paper analyzes the scientific/technical areas of space experimentation, and continues with a review of the subsystems and support systems required to supply and operate the large variety of instruments. Areas of major integration efforts are singled out and the requirements for further developments and improvements are listed. A bibliography of 95 references is enclosed to assist in the identification of more detailed reports on all vital aspects of space experimentation.; Archive copy is a photocopy.; Supplement to IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. AES-2, No. 4, July, 1966. Pages 237 to 255.
  • InterControlDocu_051208113245.pdf

    The purpose of this document is to define the flight sequence events, time bases, stage switch selector channel assignments, LVDA Discrete Outputs, Inputs and Interrupts for the Saturn SA-507 & Subs vehicles. Special requirements and restrictions defined in this document will be imposed on the Marshall Space Flight Center and its contractors as applicable, to insure the proper functioning of the equipment in the various stages for required vehicle timing and sequencing to occur as outlined in this Interface Control Document (ICD).
  • Iterguidlawsatu_080707154609.pdf

    Summary: "Based on Lawden's equation, semi-explicit,'iterative' Saturn guidance equations are derived, many were successfully flight tested on Saturn I and analyzed for the main Apollo mission and other applications applications."
  • Flatcabenggstudforsats-IVBveh_041608143857.pdf

    This paper describes the engineering approaches, investigations, results and conclusions of two National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) flat-cable contracts from the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) to the Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc., for feasibility studies on the S-IVB stage of the Saturn Vehicle. In addition, the objectives and approaches for a third contract., "Flat-Cable Engineering Study", are discussed. A sister Douglas Paper No. 4186, to be presented by Dr. P. L. Hill, covers in detail the manufacturing aspects of the Flat-Cable Development Program.; Prepared by R.A. Klotz, Advance applications, Saturn Electronics, Missile and Space Systems Group, McDonnell Douglas Corporation for presentation at: IPC/EDN Flat-Cable Seminar, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, 20 June 1967.
  • fligcontcompsatspaveh_051107114001.pdf

    The flight control computer for Saturn receives attitude signals from the stable platform, rate signals from rate gyros or lead networks, and angle-of-attack information from body-fixed accelerometers or other sensors.
  • Furnbrazf1thrucham_082007094528.pdf

    This work described in this report was performed for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under contract NASw-16. Rocketdyne is now building the F-1 engine for the Apollo lunar mission. Five F-1 engines, each capable of developing 1-1/2 million pounds of thrust will power the first stage of the launch vehicle of Saturn V.
  • furnbrazliqurock_061407145410.pdf

    Brazing as a technique for joining metal parts has been utilized for centuries. Industry, however, has only begun to use it on a wide scale in the last twenty years. The rapid growth of brazing has been a result of consumer and military demands Tor products of lighter weight, less expense, and higher performance. Today, brazing is one of the most widely used fabrication techniques in the production of liquid rockets, gas turbines, refrigerator and other types of heat exchangers, automobile parts, vacuum tubes, and many nuclear products.
  • descst124m.pdf.pdf

    This report is a description of the ST124-M inertial stabilized platform system and its application to the Saturn V launch vehicle. It is a summary report providing the system concept and not a theoretical presentation. Mathematical equations were included only where necessary to describe the equipment; however, the detail derivations supporting these equations were not presented since this was not the theme of the paper.
  • RepototheCong1965.pdf

    A report to Congress from White House regarding the accomplishments of NASA.
  • Revioftheresearch.pdf

    This report includes a discussion of 57 research and exploratory development events that have been identified as contributing significantly to LANCE. Forty-six of these are research events. Eight of the research events deal with LANCE aerodynamics, four with propulsion, 24 with solid-state components used in the guidance and control system,and 10 with the research origins of the materials and manufacturing processes used in LANCE. In addition, 11 exploratory development events are identified. The principal concern of this study has been the identification of further research origins of LANCE and the 46 documented events are its major product. A further concern and obligation of this study has been to provide HINDSIGHT with some additional data on the research phenomenon including some further observations on the nature and route of research utilization.; FOREWORD: The purpose of this report is to present a survey of fundamental research contributing to the successful development of the LANCE weapon system. Included in this report are discussions of research inputs to a number of LANCE systems and technology areas. The circumstances of these research contributions to LANCE are discussed. The implications of these examples of research utilization are analyzed and some general observations and conclusions on the research payoff phenomena are given. This report was requested by the Army Missile Command as a supplemental contribution to Project HINDSIGHT.; Contract No. DA-01-021-AMC-14693(Z).; Battle Memorial Institute ,Columbus Laboratories.; RSIC-627.; Includes letter from W. Metscher, Lt. Col. to Mr. David L. Christensen dated March 14, 1969.
  • descst124minerstab.pdf.pdf

    This report is a description of the ST-124M inertial stabilized platform system and its application to the Saturn V launch vehicle. It is a summary report providing the system concept, and not a theoretical presentation. Mathematical equations were included only where necessary to describe the equipment; however, the detailed derivations supporting these equations were not presented since this was not the theme of the paper.
  • sdsp_skyl_000054_001.pdf
  • sdsp_skyl_000055_001.pdf
  • sdsp_skyl_000059_001.pdf

    This report describes the experiments onboard Skylab, what the data the experiments gather indicates, and the equipment that the experiments utilize. This includes the spider experiment.
  • sdsp_skyl_000061_001.pdf
  • sdsp_skyl_000062.pdf

    This is a hardware evaluation and assessment of the skylab habitat systems based on the feedback from the Skylab crews.
  • sdsp_skyl_000063.pdf

    This is a series of interviews with the crew of Skylab 4. The interviews focus on the onboard systems and equipment.
  • sdsp_skyl_000066_001.pdf
  • sdsp_skyl_000067_001.pdf

    This is a report about the Skylab 1 reentry.
  • sdsp_skyl_000068_001.pdf
  • sdsp_skyl_000069_001.pdf

    This is a report about the Skylab debris field in Australia.
  • 001.pdf

    The "Skylab" in the title was a later addition. This is a summary of the human factor aspects of the Apollo Applications space habitat.
  • sdsp_skyl_000090_001.pdf

    Students involved in the student experiment selection are: Bochsler, Daniel C., Converse, Vincent W., Crites, Troy A., Dunlap, W. Brian, Hamilton, John C., Hopfield, Alison, Jackson, Kathy L., Johnston, Roger G., Leventhal, Jeanne L., Meister, Todd A., Miles, Judith S., Peltz, Cheryl A., Quist, Terry C., Reihs, Joe W., Schlack, Donald W., Wordekemper, Joel G., Shannon, Neal W., Staehle, Robert L., Zmolek, Joe B. Students whose experiments were held in consideration for future programs are Stein, Keith L., Brandt, Kent M., McGee, Keith, Sherhart, Kirk M., Merkel, Gregory A., Healy, James E.
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