UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (513 total)

  • img_00549.pdf

    Front: First Baptist Church, Huntsville, Ala.
  • img_00551.pdf

    Front: First Baptist Church, Huntsville, Ala.
  • img_00553.pdf

    Front: First Baptist Church, Huntsville, Ala.
  • img_01065.pdf

    Back: The fifth Saturn I launch vehicle (SA-5) leaves the launch pad at Cape Kennedy, Fla., on Jan. 29, 1964. Nose cone painted black for special thermal experiment.
  • img_00713.pdf

    Front: Fields of Water Cress, Huntsville, Alabama, "Water Cress Capitol of the World"
    Back: FIELDS OF WATER CRESS, HUNTSVILLE, ALA. "Water Cress Capitol of the World." This view repeated many times in Madison County - a county of many fine springs of clear, cool water necessary in growing the best water cress.
  • img_00503.pdf

    Front: Federal Square, Huntsville, Ala.
  • img_00277.pdf

    Front: Famous Big Spring - Huntsville, Alabama - Water Supply 24,000,000 gallons daily
    Back: Compliments of Monroe Printing Company, Huntsville, Alabama
    It's a Beautiful World in Huntsville.
  • img_01227.pdf

    Front: Oakwood College
    Back: Oakwood College, Huntsville, Alabama. F. L. Peterson Hall
  • img_01033.pdf

    An F-1 engine, generating 1.5 million pounds thrust, is captive fired at the NASA-Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama. The liquid oxygen/RPl (kerosene) engine is used on the Saturn V booster.
  • img_01245.pdf

    Back: The Eva B. Dykes Library, Oakwood College, Huntsville, Alabama, is named tor the first black woman to qualify for the Doctorate Degree and the first black woman to obtain the degree In English. This building contains reading space, classroom facilities, an audio visual classroom, the Archives and Archiveist office, and the museum, which houses artifacts and memorabilia pertaining to black Seventh-Day Adventlst history.
  • img_00533.pdf

    Front: Episcopal Church - Huntsville, Ala.
  • img_01179.pdf

    Back: Enterprise's home for 1978.
  • img_01177.pdf

    Back: Enterprise passing Marshall Space Flight Center Headquarters.
  • img_01185.pdf

    Back: The Old and the New, Enterprise passing a Saturn 1B.
  • img_01175.pdf

    Back: Enterprise being unloaded from 747 Carrier.
  • img_00413.pdf

    Front: Elks' Opera House, Huntsville, Ala. M. R. Murray
  • img_00747.pdf

    Back: ELECTRONIC MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS Corporate Office, 309 Jordan Lane, N.W. - Huntsville, Alabama 35805, (205) 830-4030 (800) 633-2920. A unique 50' x 100' log cabin fashioned of 100 year-old timbers is fast becoming the trademark of this dynamic sales organization.
  • img_00941.pdf

    Front: El Rose Motel, U.S. 231N and 241N Inside City, Huntsville, Alabama.
    Back: EL ROSE MOTEL, 15 Air conditioned brick units - Hot water heat - Private tiled baths - Simmons equipped throughout.
    Owned and operated by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jacks and Iva Jean Jacks. In City Limits on U.S. 231N and 241N on Florida Short Route. Phone 281
  • img_00943.pdf

    Front: El Rose Motel, Air-Conditioned, Huntsville, Alabama
    Back: EL ROSE MOTEL, Located of By Pass on City Route. Downtown - Huntsville
    Television Lounge and in Rooms Optional. Good Food - Air-Conditioned - Fully Carpeted.
    707 Meridian St. Dial JE 2-5971. Owned and Operated by Mr. L Mrs. Roy Jacks.
  • img_00947.pdf

    Front: El Rose Motel on U.S. Hwy. 241, Huntsville, Ala.
    Back: El Rose Motel. Huntsville's Newest and Finest Ultra Modern Brick Units, Hot Water Heat, Private Tile Baths, Simmons Equipped Throughout. Owned and Operated by Mr. & Mrs. Roy Jacks and Daughter. In City Limits. Highway 241 N. on Florida Short Route. Phone 281 - Huntsville, Ala.
  • img_00641.pdf

    Front: East Holmes Street, Huntsville, Ala.
  • img_01243.pdf

    Back: The East Hall, Oakwood College. Huntsville, Ala., built in 1910, houses the Development and Public Relations Office, the office of the church pastor, the Health Services and the Quin-C Center. This is the oldest building on the Oakwood College Campus.
  • img_00639.pdf

    Front: East Clinton St., Huntsville, Ala.
  • img_01043.pdf

    Back: Dr. Wernher von Braun, director of the NASA - Marshall Space Flight Center, is shown with rocket models and hardware at the Huntsville, Alabama space installation.
  • img_01249.pdf

    Front: Domestic Science Building, Normal, Ala.
  • img_00097.pdf

    Front: Deer in Court Square Park, Huntsville, Ala.
  • img_01035.pdf

    This vehicle-launched, rocket propelled guided missile is designed for use by front line troops. It requires a minimum of technical training to operate, yet carries a warhead capable of defeating the heaviest known enemy armor. This versatile Army missile can deliver its warhead with pinpoint accuracy.
  • img_00671.pdf

    Front: Dallas Mills, Huntsville, Ala.
  • img_00675.pdf

    Front: Dallas Mfg. Co's Cotton Mills, Huntsville, Ala.
  • img_00681.pdf

    Front: Dallas Cotton Mills, Huntsville, Ala.
    Back: Dallas Cotton Mills, Huntsville, Ala.
  • img_01235.pdf

    Back: Oakwood College. Huntsville, Alabama. The Anna Knight Elementary School (1960)
  • img_00099.pdf

    Front: Court House and Confederate Monument, Huntsville, Ala.
  • img_00105.pdf

    Front: Huntsville, Ala. Court House.
  • img_00209.pdf

    Front: Cotton Season Scene on Public Square, Huntsville, Alabama
  • img_00651.pdf

    Front: Cotton Mills, Huntsville, Ala.
  • img_00187.pdf

    Front: Street Scene, Huntsville, Ala.
  • img_00183.pdf

    Front: Street Scene, Huntsville, Ala.
  • img_00197.pdf

    Front: Street Scene, Huntsville, Ala.
  • img_00201.pdf

    Front: Street Scene, Huntsville, Ala.
    Back: Street Scene, Huntsville, Ala.
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