UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (211 total)

  • spc_dann_000274.mp4

    Ingeborg and Konrad Dannenberg visit Klaus and Betty for Christmas at their home in Dallas, Texas. This film contains mostly footage of their youngest child, Christie, opening presents and playing with Kerry Dannenberg. Winter 1974.
  • spc_dann_000275.mp4

    Ingeborg and Konrad Dannenberg visit Klaus and Betty for Christmas at their home in Dallas, Texas. Klaus, Betty, Kerry, Christie, and Ingeborg open presents in the living room, as well as assemble their new gifts. Winter 1974.
  • spc_dann_000276.mp4

    Ingeborg and Konrad Dannenberg visit Betty, Kerry, Christie, and Klaus in Dallas, Texas for Christmas. Klaus and Betty are shown carving the Turkey and getting the stuffing ready, followed by a scene of the family eating around the table. Winter 1975.
  • spc_dann_000277.mp4

    The Dannenberg family (Klaus, Konrad, Christie, Betty, Ingeborg, and Kerry) gather at Betty and Klaus' house to celebrate Christmas. They are shown in the living room opening presents and playing one of the newly opened board games. Dallas, Texas, Winter 1975.
  • spc_dann_000278.mp4

    The Dannenberg family (Klaus, Konrad, Christie, Betty, Ingeborg, and Kerry) gather at Betty and Klaus' house to celebrate Christmas. Klaus, Ingeborg, and Kerry are shown playing a new board game. A little while later, Ingeborg and Kerry are shown still playing the game while Betty and Klaus help cleanup dishes from dinner. Dallas, Texas, Winter 1975.
  • spc_dann_000279.mp4

    Betty, Klaus, Kerry, and Christie visit Konrad and Ingeborg for Thanksgiving. The four visiting members are shown walking into the house, followed by everyone sitting down for dinner. Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama, Fall 1976.
  • spc_dann_000280.mp4

    Film shows Kerry, Klaus, Christie, and Betty Dannenberg ice skating at a public rink in 1976. Location unknown.
  • spc_dann_000281.mp4

    Ingeborg and Konrad Dannenberg visit Ulla, Johnny, and George Doane for Christmas dinner 1976. They are shown preparing the dinner, and then the rest of the film is the two families eating together. Location unknown.
  • spc_dann_000282.mp4

    The Doanes (Ulla, George, Johnny, and others) visit the Dannenbergs (Ingeborg and Konrad) to open Christmas gifts at their home in Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama. The Doanes are shown filing into the house, and the rest of the film shows presents being passed out and opened. Winter 1976.
  • spc_dann_000283.mp4

    The Doanes (Ulla, George, Johnny, and others) visit the Dannenbergs (Ingeborg and Konrad) to open Christmas gifts at their home in Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama. This film shows presents being opened by one of the Doane boys and Ingeborg, along with passing shots of the others opeing presents. Winter 1976.
  • spc_dann_000284.mp4

    Film shows Klaus, Betty, Kerry, and Christie arriving at Konrad and Ingeborg's house for Easter in Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama. After arriving, all parties are seen win the front yard, possibly for an Easter egg hunt. Spring 1977.
  • spc_dann_000285.mp4

    The Doanes (Ulla, George, Johnny) join the Dannenbergs (Konrad, Ingeborg, Klaus, Betty, Kerry, and Christie) at Konrad and Ingeborg's house in Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama. Once they arrive, the kids of the group are shown hunting for Easter eggs in the front yard while the adults help and talk on the doorstep. Spring 1977.
  • spc_dann_000286.mp4

    The Doanes (Ulla, George, Johnny) join the Dannenbergs (Konrad, Ingeborg, Klaus, Betty, Kerry, and Christie) at Konrad ant Ingeborg's house in Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama. After briefly showing the Easter decorations inside the house, the film shows Kerry, Christie, and Johnny looking for Easter eggs in the front yard. Spring 1977.
  • spc_dann_000287.mp4

    Ingeborg and Konrad Dannenberg are joined by Klaus, Betty, Kerry, Christie, and Betty's parents for Christmas at their home on Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama. The guests are shown processing into the house and then everyone is shown opening Christmas presents. Winter 1977.
  • spc_dann_000288.mp4

    Ingeborg and Konrad Dannenebrg are joined by Klaus, Betty, Kerry, Christie, and Betty's parent for Christmas at their home on Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama. All parties are shown relaxing and opening presents in the living room. Winter 1977.
  • spc_dann_000289.mp4

    Film shows the remainder of the Dannenberg's stay at Ingeborg and Konrad's for Christmas eve, during which they open presents. The second half of the film shows the whole crew (Konrad, Ingeborg, Klaus, Betty, Christie, Kerry, and Betty's parents) going over to Klaus and Betty's house to open more present there on Christmas day. Winter 1977.
  • spc_dann_000290.mp4

    The Dannenbergs (Konrad, Ingeborg, Klaus, Betty, Kerry, and Christie) celebrate Christmas with Betty's parents at Klaus and Betty's house. The beginning of the film shows Kerry and Christie playing with their new presents, and then transitions to show the preparation and serving of the Christmas day meal. Winter 1977.
  • spc_dann_000291.mp4

    Klaus, Kerry, Betty, and Christie visit Ingeborg and Konrad for Easter on Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama. They are shown arriving and hunting for Easter eggs shortly afterwards. Spring 1978
  • spc_dann_000292.mp4

    Footage from the Schützenausmarsch, or Parade of the Marksmen, in Hannover, Germany, part of the city's annual Schützenfest. Many different groups of uniformed marksmen are seen marching through the street, some with musical instruments. 1960.
  • spc_dann_000293.mp4

    Konrad Dannenberg visits a friend of his, Dr. Borchers, in Germany. The doctor is shown tending to his plants and pet dogs in his back yard, as well as Konrad, Dr. Borchers and his wife driving to the city center. Heyen is located north of Bodenwerder, just across the Weser River.
  • spc_dann_000294.mp4

    The film's first part shows Konrad Dannenberg boarding a flight at the Huntsville airport. The film picks back up above Washington D.C. where Konrad captures pictures of the Pentagon from above and shots of the Washington D.C. airport once landed.
  • spc_dann_000295.mp4

    Opening scene is from the flight to Germany from America. After landing in Frankfurt, Germany, Klaus and Konrad Dannenberg visit some of the scenes around Frankfurt, including a train station and a nearby castle.
  • spc_dann_000296.mp4

    Konrad and Klaus Dannenberg continue to tour Germany. They are seen visiting a castle in the countryside and parts of Frankfurt am Main. The second half of the film is blank, presumably damaged.
  • spc_dann_000297.mp4

    Footage from the Schützenausmarsch, or Parade of the Marksmen, in Hannover, Germany, part of the city's annual Schützenfest. Many different groups of uniformed marksmen are seen marching through the street, some with musical instruments. 1960.
  • spc_dann_000298.mp4

    Footage from the Schützenausmarsch, or Parade of the Marksmen, in Hannover, Germany, part of the city's annual Schützenfest. Many different groups of uniformed marksmen are seen marching through the street, some with musical instruments. 1960.
  • spc_dann_000299.mp4

    Klaus and Konrad visit a German waterpark in the first half of this film. During the second half, they are shown visitng the house of someone who was with them at the waterpark. He is shown mowing the lawn and playing with his dogs.
  • spc_dann_000300.mp4

    Most of this film shows Klaus and Konrad taking ferries across a river with the car they rented in Germany. Eventually, they reach the town of Bodenwerder, Germany. Bodenwerder is bordered by the Weser River. Heyen is located north of Bodenwerder, just across the Weser.
  • spc_dann_000301.mp4

    Konrad and Klaus meet up with old friends of Konrad in Bodenwerder, Germany. They then tour a graveyard where the Dannenbergs had been historically buried as well as touring the town of Bodenwerder.
  • spc_dann_000121.mp4

    Ingeborg and Klaus showing blooming flowers in back garden. Klaus, Konrad and others enjoying the backyard pool, 5901 Jumilla Ave, spring 1956.
  • spc_dann_000122.mp4

    Summer 1956 backyard activities at 5901 Jumilla Ave in Woodland Hills in Los Angeles, California. Showcase of the backyard garden as well as Klaus and Konrad swimming the the backyard pool.
  • spc_dann_000123.mp4

    Klaus, Konrad, and Ingeborg drive up to near Monterey, California, summer 1956. They show portions of the drive up as well as all of them walking along the coastal cliffs.
  • spc_dann_000124.mp4

    Konrad, Klaus, and Ingeborg Dannenberg tour San Francisco and Sacramento, seeing Alcatraz Island, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Tower Bridge, and the California state capitol building. Summer 1956.
  • spc_dann_000125.mp4

    Firt portion shows Ingeborg and Klaus Dannenberg touring Sutter's Fort in Sacramento. Second portion shows the view from a vista overlooking Donner Lake in Tahoe National Forest. Summer 1956.
  • spc_dann_000126.mp4

    First portion shows the Dannenberg family in Reno, Nevada, shopping and gambling. The second portion shows the stop in Wendover, on the border between Utah and Nevada. Summer 1956.
  • spc_dann_000127.mp4

    Konrad, Ingeborg, and Klaus Dannenberg see Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park. In Yellowstone, Konrad captured footage of the "mud volcano" and the "dragon's mouth" as well as some local wildlife. Summer 1956.
  • spc_dann_000128.mp4

    In Yellowstone Konrad, Klaus, and Ingeborg Dannenberg continues to tour the park, seeing Lewis falls via artist point and the geyser Old Faithful. Konrad Dannenberg's additional note on the film box reads, "New Unused Film! film was tangled!" Summer 1956.
  • spc_dann_000129.mp4

    The Konrad, Klaus, and Ingeborg Dannenberg stop at the continental divide and enjoy the sights from this location. Klaus and Ingeborg also go on a chair lift to see more of the surrounding mountains. Summer 1956.
  • spc_dann_000130.mp4

    First portion shows Konrad, Klaus, and Ingeborg stopping in Dodge City, Kansas and touring Boot Hill, Summer 1956. The second portion is Konrad filming Niagara Falls.
  • spc_dann_000131.mp4

    Film shows Konrad, Klaus, and Ingeborg Dannenberg returning to their home in Monte Sano outside of Huntsville, Alabama. Also shows family departing for Niagara Falls. Konrad Dannenberg's additional notes on the film box read, "Begin w/ 2nd Half! when [illegible]!" Summer 1956.
  • spc_dann_000132.mp4

    Intro showing states travelled through on the way to Canada. Then shows tunnel crossing under Detroit river into Canada and map of route to Niagara Falls. Konrad Dannenberg's additional notes on the film box read, "NIAGARA FALLS: thru ONTARIO ON MAP INTO Niagara Falls." Summer 1956.
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