UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • spc_nick_000405_000414.pdf

    This compilation covers periods in Nickerson's career from 1939 to 1953. In includes various reporting officers writing of Nickerson's character, actions, and command.
  • spc_nick_000381_000386.pdf

    This document contains various letters of appreciation received by Colonel Nickerson, efficiency reports, testimonies of Nickerson's character, certificates of achievement, and other services and recommendations pertaining to Nickerson.
  • spc_nick_000299_000300.pdf

    "Curly" writes in support of Nickerson and states that while someone else will have to decide if what he did was right or wrong, he "might be one of the best qualified people alive to testify in your behalf." The second half of the letter is handwritten and discusses personal events in "Curly's" life such as a new grandson and a family member in the Navy.
  • spc_nick_000229_000231.pdf

    The author provides information to Colonel Zimmer about Colonels Sisson and Townsend. Though the author signed the letter, possibly Jimmie, it is difficult to read and they provide no last name.
  • spc_nick_000135_000183.pdf

    Defense notes outline the charges against Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr. and the accompanying specifications of each charge. It also outlines how Nickerson went about publishing the classified information through the newspaper journalist Drew Pearson. It includes an affidavit of John A. Baumann, the expected testimonies of Dr. Wernher von Braun, Dr. Charles Lundquist, Mr. Rudolph Schlidt, and Dr. Ernst Stuhlinger, correspondence related to the case, written statements, handwritten notes, and character letters.
  • loc_robf_000219_000222.pdf

    The letter to Abner Tate addresses the testimony of Barbara Hazel, confirming some parts but refuting more of it. It is clear that pages of the letter are missing as it ends in the middle of a sentence and has no author's signature on any page. Note: This could be Moore's statement which would match with the Note to Moore's Statement.
  • loc_robf_000188_000204.pdf

    This letter, written on May 12, 1856, has several names that are illegible, including the author's. It is addressed to two men, the first being [Daniel] P. Pool, and is a lengthy letter in response to a letter received from Abner C. Wellborn and in particular, the supporting testimony of Barbara Hazel accusing Abner Tate of at least two murders. The author states that the credibility of Hazel's words should be questioned due to the several reasons he goes on to detail. Following the original letter, the author pens an amendment to include changes that occured since the original letter was written as Tate had made a recent publication during that time.
  • spc_nick_000419_000419.pdf

    On behalf of the defense counsel, Charles R. Zimmer writes to the Army Staff Judge Advocate, Colonel Clifford F. Cordes, to request that the report of the Inspector General of the Department of the Army be downgraded from classified to unclassified. Zimmer states that he feels without this document being accessible to the defense counsel, the "defense in this case is being hampered."
  • spc_nick_000107_000110.pdf

    This submitted list of additional witness was in addition to the list submitted on April 25, 1957.
  • spc_nick_000105_000106.pdf

    This letter outlines the defense counsel's request for access to flassified information in reference to a previous letter received from the Office of the Commanding General, Third United States Army.
  • spc_nick_000096_000096.pdf

    This letter acknowledges the receipt of a letter, an envelope for delivery, two courtesty copies, and a carbon copy of various letters.
  • spc_nick_000067_000067.pdf

    Zimmer writes to Lt. Colonel Willaim G. Barry with the stipulations that will not be accepted in the case of Colonel John C. Nickerson.
  • spc_nick_000022_000032.pdf

    These documents include the draft of the letter and the final letter. Zimmer writes to Ridgway regarding his testimony and its importance in the Nickerson trial. Zimmer also asks for Ridgway's opinion on the "necessity of an Army commander exercising immediate and direct control" over defense weapons.
  • loc_hutc_000167_000175.pdf

    Dr. Wyeth writes to a "friend" about working, asks about Sam Russell and requests that the enclosed letter is given to him. He also asks for any information about Meck Robinson. The recipient, possibly W. P. Newman, responds that he gave the letter to Russell. He discusses their friendship and thanks Wyeth for the "Expressions of friendly, sweet, and tender miracles" for his family. He also discusses working and life struggles, calling the world "cold." The author shares various verses and personal information through his lengthy letter. The seventh and final page is missing the bottom part. The back of the final page includes a drawing, presumably by a child, and a handwritten note.

    A single letter of correspondence from Hannah McCord Wright
  • spc_nick_000291_000291.pdf

    Works expresses sympathy toward Nickerson and the situation he is in asking, "�what's happening to the Army?" Works offers a character witness or any deposition or testimony that would help his case.
  • loc_burw_-107.pdf

    Includes unsorted business papers from various banks, all accounts appearing to belong to B. L. Roberts. Includes Invoices, receipts and correspondence related to business generally or the selling of cotton.
  • spc_nick_000301_000301.pdf

    Mayor Wiltsie writes to Nickerson in his defense, asking if he can be of any help in the trial such as testifying or giving a character witness.
  • spc_nick_000404_000404.pdf

    Wilson writes to Bell to congratulate him on the Nickerson case and states that he has been "avidly reading the newspaper accounts of the Nickerson trial" but still believes that Bell did a "terrific" job defending Colonel Nickerson.
  • loc_hutc_000133_000135.pdf

    Willmore writes that he had lived with grandmother Casey who left a will and mortgaged property to him. He states that he will "make it right with you" if Hutchens investigates and helps him get his estate left to him.
  • loc_gold_000205_000210.pdf

    The first documents are a correspondence between C. O. Reed and I. Schiffman & Co. regarding the payment of $147.51 for the "mortgages transferred to" I. Schiffman & Co.. The final letters are between Lawrence Goldsmith and Frank Williams regarding the payment of a blacksmith bill and a cow. Within all the letters is communication regarding the confusion surrounding the payment of Frank William's taxes. The middle letter is from A. S. [O'Fordges?] stating that he did in fact pay the taxes. Lawrence Goldsmith's final letter, however, notes that by March 13, the taxes still had not been paid. Handwritten note on the final letter reads: Written note: "Total-Taxes-1921: 33.60, Re Paid By Rison: 27.64, Paid-By-us & CHS to Frank a/c: 5.96"
  • loc_gold_000168_000175.pdf

    Various documents detailing land rented by Frank Williams, payments owed, and rental information including the promissory note promises the payment of $600 to Nelson Acklin for land rented by Frank Williams with signatures of Nelson Acklin and [sic] Schiffman on the back, an inquiry from Laurence Goldsmith regarding the character of Frank Williams as a renter and the bank's business intentions with him, a handwritten note detailing the amounts owed by Frank Williams that were mentioned in the letter from Goldsmith, a response to Goldsmith's inquiry from J. G. Bennett, a note stating the transfer of the rent note to the landlord, I. Schiffman & Co., and the release of Albert Clay's crop, a letter from Frank Williams to Laurence Goldsmith requesting help as he cannot work the land himself due to his wife's illness, and a letter from I. Schiffman & Co. after the transfer of the rented land to the company.
  • loc_gold_000335_000336.pdf

    Victor White writes to Oscar Goldsmith apologizing for replying to his last letter over a month late. He informs Goldsmith that he is working in town and is hopeful to see him in New York.
  • Letttoproflogsfrom92667_121008165048.pdf

    Letter to Professor Logsdon from E. C. Welcsh denying Logsdon's request to quote Wernher von Braun and President Kennedy from their memorandums.
  • Letttodrvonbrau62461_120808163906.pdf

    Letter to Wernher von Braun from E.C. Welsch thanking Braun for his letter on June 20th regarding his thoughts on communication and meteorological satilites.
  • loc_robf_000238_000238.pdf

    Wellborn writes to her uncle requesting information on the case of her "Pa", Abner Tate, who was arrested and tried for murder. She informs her uncle that there was a supposed detailed report in a Huntsville publication but couldn't get her hands on a copy. She concludes by writing of their temporary living arrangements just outside of Memphis, Tennessee.
  • spc_nick_000569_000570.pdf

    Webster writes saying he thinks Wilson does a good job running the nation's defense system and because of that, Webster asks Wilson to evaluate Nickerson's performance of duty and would feel "thoroughly disillusioned to see such a 1st class officer sacked."
  • spc_nick_000566_000568.pdf

    Webster sends three copies of the same letter to Congressman Frederic Coudert, Jr., Senator Irving M. Ives, and Secretary of the Army Wilber M. Brucker, asking them to take "an immediate active interest in the pending army court martial" of Colonel John C. Nickerson. He testifies to Nickerson's character and his value to the national defense system.
  • spc_nick_000380_000380.pdf

    Webster writes to wish Bell and Nickerson good luck in the case and send copies of letters that may have information useful to the defense of Nickerson.
  • Letttodrjerob_120108120226.pdf

    Letter to Jerome B. Wiesner from Jones B. Webb regarding requested documents as well as how they, as scientists, interact with the scientific community.
  • spc_nick_000557_000557.pdf

    In this letter, Weaver writes to Lucas about concerns regarding Major Jeneral John B. Medaris. Weaver states that "according to my friends�Medaris was a selfish, overly ambitious and ruthless man who would stop at nothing to promote his own interests."
  • loc_gold_000355_000355.pdf

    This letter requests that Oscar Goldsmith, president of the Huntsville Land Company, sends copies of the company's earning statements so K. Ward-Smith can obtain a bid on shares of stock for sale.
  • devstaforarcguiwelobssysandarevofproconpar_071107140253.pdf

    Letter to David L. Christiensen from W. A. Wall, enclosing requested documents.
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