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  • spc_nick_000039_000040.pdf

    Almond writes in reponse to Bell's February 18 letter regarding Medaris and other information of the Nickerson case.
  • spc_nick_000041_000042.pdf

    The Defense Counsel writes to the Commanding General, Third United States Army requesting "top secret clearance for all members of the General Court Martial, the Court Reporter, and the Civilian Counsel n the case of Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr."
  • spc_nick_000043_000044.pdf

    Nickerson thanks Pickering for the letters of support sent to his defense counsel. He also discusses ballistic surface-to-surface missiles and "scientific progress". He ends by requesting a deposition as Pickering will be in Europe in May, when the trial is scheduled to happen.
  • spc_nick_000045_000045.pdf

    In this transcript of the phone message to Bell from Walter Harper of Reynolds Metals, Bell is informed that Mr. Hunt will be arriving the following day and will try to land at the air strip at Redstone Arsenal. This information was asked to be passed on to Colonel Nickerson.
  • spc_nick_000046_000055.pdf

    These drafts of the letter and final letter to the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence requesting highly classified information to be made available to the Court in order to "insure a proper defense" in the Nickerson case. These documents also include a letter from Bell to Ray H. Jenkins asking him to read the draft of the letter before Bell sends it and also asks about traveling to Washington the following week.
  • spc_nick_000063_000066.pdf

    In this letter, the Defense Counsel provides a list of witnesses for the defense in the case of John Nickerson.
  • spc_nick_000067_000067.pdf

    Zimmer writes to Lt. Colonel Willaim G. Barry with the stipulations that will not be accepted in the case of Colonel John C. Nickerson.
  • spc_nick_000068_000068.pdf

    This letter requests a pre-trial conference be held on the 26th or 27th of April, 1957.
  • spc_nick_000069_000073.pdf

    In this letter, the Defense Counsel provides a list of witnesses for the defense in the case of John Nickerson.
  • spc_nick_000074_000076.pdf

    This letter requests William Nichols to be present at the trial as a defense witness and a written statement from Nichols to detail what his testimony would be. The letter includes questions for Nichols to answer in the written statement.
  • spc_nick_000077_000088.pdf

    This letter from the Defense Counsel requests a continuance of the trial of Colonel John C. Nickerson due to the counsel still waiting on a response to their request for top secret clearance for access to pertinent information for the trial and the delay of the release of the pre-trial investigation to the civilian defense counsel. A letter from John Nickerson follows, detailing how without top secret clearance, he is unable to provide his civilian counsel with "essential components of the real issues in my defense without divulging information that is now classified." Multiple copies are included.
  • spc_nick_000089_000090.pdf

    McDonald expresses interest in John C. Nickerson's case to Bell in this letter. He explains that he heard about the case from a friend, Ralph Wiltsie, who served under Colonel Nickerson during World War II. McDonald writes that Wiltsie is under the impression that the counsel will want to call him as a trial witness.
  • spc_nick_000092_000092.pdf

    Beale writes to Alverson, the editor of The Daily Enterprise, regarding potential questions Alverson wants to ask President Eisenhower.
  • spc_nick_000093_000094.pdf

    Bell responds to McDonald's letter from April 30, 1957. He discusses the Nickerson case and the recent call for witnesses by the trial counsel. He also discusses old aquaintances on a personal level and mentions his upcoming trip to Indianapolis, hoping to have lunch with McDonald while there.
  • spc_nick_000095_000095.pdf

    After receiving a continuance in the Nickerson case, Bell writes to Jenkins about making new plans. He states that they are going to try to get any political assistance that they can and that he will be writing to a number of friends in Washington regarding the case.
  • spc_nick_000096_000096.pdf

    This letter acknowledges the receipt of a letter, an envelope for delivery, two courtesty copies, and a carbon copy of various letters.
  • spc_nick_000097_000098.pdf

    William Nichols writes to Robert K. Bell, enclosing a letter from Lieutenant Colonel William G. Barry. The enclosed letter requests William Nichols' presence at the Nickerson trial at an undetermined date. It states that a subpoena will be sent when a date is set.
  • spc_nick_000099_000099.pdf

    In response to Bell's May 8th letter, McDonald informs Bell that Mr. Wiltsie will proceed as instructed regarding the reponse to the inquiry. He also expresses that he and his wife are excited to have Bell and his wife visit them.
  • spc_nick_000100_000104.pdf

    In this letter, Bell explains that the defense counsel still has not received approval for top secret security clearance, necessary to "properly defend the accused." Bell states that while the defense counsel would prefer not to request a delay of the proceedings, if the clearance is not granted, they may have no choice but to do so. The documents also include the original draft of the letter.
  • spc_nick_000105_000106.pdf

    This letter outlines the defense counsel's request for access to flassified information in reference to a previous letter received from the Office of the Commanding General, Third United States Army.
  • spc_nick_000107_000110.pdf

    This submitted list of additional witness was in addition to the list submitted on April 25, 1957.
  • spc_nick_000111_000111.pdf

    The defense counsel believes that the Commanding General or Convening Authority is both the accuser and the reviewer in the proceeding. Bell asks Perry in this letter for any "citations" on that particular point.
  • spc_nick_000112_000112.pdf

    Nichols writes to Bell to inform him of the supoena he received to appear in court on July 2nd. He states that he will proceed as requested unless he hears from Bell with other instructions.
  • spc_nick_000113_000118.pdf

    The Defense Counsel writes to the Commanding General, Third United States Army, requesting a continuance of trial of Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr., citing the failure of the government to approve their request for top secret clearance as the reason. The defense counsel details how the clearance is vital to Nickerson's defense.
  • spc_nick_000119_000119.pdf

    Jenkins writes to Major General Crump Gavin citing his personal reasons why the Commanding General should approve the defense counsel's request for a continuance.
  • spc_nick_000120_000121.pdf

    Perry responds to Bell's letter of June 10th regarding the possible accuser also being the reviewer in the Nickerson trial proceedings.
  • spc_nick_000128_000133.pdf

    T. C. King writes to the Secretary of Defense, Neil H. McElroy, regarding the Nickerson case, calling it the "second Billy Mitchell case". He encourages McElroy to restore Nickerson to active duty, return to Redstone Arsenal, promote Nickerson and remove Medaris. The Adjutant General , Herbert Jones, replies that promotions are based on the officers' entire records and Nickerson plead guilty. King's reponse is included. This exchange of letters was forwarded to Robert K. Bell in the interest of the case.
  • spc_nick_000135_000183.pdf

    Defense notes outline the charges against Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr. and the accompanying specifications of each charge. It also outlines how Nickerson went about publishing the classified information through the newspaper journalist Drew Pearson. It includes an affidavit of John A. Baumann, the expected testimonies of Dr. Wernher von Braun, Dr. Charles Lundquist, Mr. Rudolph Schlidt, and Dr. Ernst Stuhlinger, correspondence related to the case, written statements, handwritten notes, and character letters.
  • spc_nick_000213_000216.pdf

    This letter is the first request of a continuance of the trial of Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr. by the defense counsel due to waiting on top secret clearance for information pertinent to the case and other various reasons.
  • spc_nick_000217_000219.pdf

    This letter is in response to Bell's letter of March 22, 1957 to the Commanding General, Third United States Army. Cordes confirms the reception of Bell's request for the setting of the trial during the week of May 13-17, 1957 and states that Major General Crump Garvin has postponed it to May 15, 1957.
  • spc_nick_000224_000226.pdf

    Letter requests William Nichols' presence at the trial of Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr. It also includes questions Nichols is to answer in a written statement and an anticipated range of dates he will be expected to give his testimony in court.
  • spc_nick_000227_000227.pdf

    Thompson answers Zimmer's request for information about two colonels and Major General Powell. While Thompson states he is not acquainted with the two colonels, he does provide a personal evaluation of the character of Major General Powell.
  • spc_nick_000229_000231.pdf

    The author provides information to Colonel Zimmer about Colonels Sisson and Townsend. Though the author signed the letter, possibly Jimmie, it is difficult to read and they provide no last name.
  • spc_nick_000232_000234.pdf

    Letter requests Ralph Wiltsie's presence at the trials of Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr. It also includes questions Wiltsie is to answer in a written statement and an anticipated range of dates he will be expected to give his testimony in court.
  • spc_nick_000236_000236.pdf

    The request of March 28, 1957 asks for top secret clearance for the members of the General Court-Martial, the Court Reporter, and the Civil Counsel as classified information is vital to the defense of Colonel Nickerson. This letter from Lt. Col. John S. Tyler states that the request was forwarded to the Army Ballistic Missile Agency and that the request would be cleared for the "highest clearance necessary for the proper disposition of the case".
  • spc_nick_000237_000237.pdf

    In response to Jenkin's request for a postponement of the trial of Colonel Nickerson, Cordes writes that the court will assemble on June 25, 1957 for the trial as the members of the court and court reporter have been granted top secret information neccesary for the case.
  • spc_nick_000238_000239.pdf

    This letter was written in response to Bell's May 27, 1957 letter to the Commanding General, Third United States Army requesting top secret clearance for necessary information related to the Nickerson case. According to Cordes, Bell and Jenkins were granted access through Lt. Col. Charles Zimmer.
  • spc_nick_000240_000240_000242_000242.pdf

    This letter was written in response to Bell's June 13, 1957 letter to the Commanding General, Third United States Army requesting the trial of Colonel Nickerson to be postponed until late July or early August. Cordes informs Bell that this request has been denied and the trial will proceed as originally planned on June 25, 1957 and states that no further delay could be permitted.
  • spc_nick_000241_000241.pdf

    Schow writes this letter in response to Bell and Jenkins request for classified information. Schow states that the convening authority will determine the relevance of the material before allowing access.
  • spc_nick_000243_000243.pdf

    Agee writes this letter in response to Bell's June 3, 1957 letter to the Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, regarding request for access to classified information. He states that the request is "not favorable considered" and the necessary information could "readily be obtained from direct testimony."
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