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222nd Infantry Regiment New Year's celebration program.
The program lists the slate of performers and planned refreshments, including "Champagne, Cocktail, Cognac, Wines, [and] Cold Buffet!" -
"Important Information for Members of the U.S. Armed Forces on Leave in Switzerland."
The pamphlet includes "General information concerning food rationing in Switzerland," "Export restrictions when leaving the country," and information about Swiss culture. The pamphlet is missing pages 3 and 4. -
Playbill from an Austrian production of The Barber of Seville.
This production of Rossini's The Barber of Seville was produced by Landestheater Linz in Linz, Austria. Collected by Louis Salmon during his U.S. Army service in Austria during and after World War II, this playbill includes a cast listing in German and a summary of the opera in English on the reverse. -
"Itinerary for Switzerland."
The trip was part of "United States Forces European Theatre of operations - Furlough transit tours Germany-Rome." The itinerary includes arrivals and departures for locations in Switzerland and Italy. -
British Officers' Club lunch and dinner menus.
The top of the front page of the menu reads, "NAAFI-EFI," which stands for "Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes-Expeditionary Forces Institutes." The club was located at the Palais Kinsky, a baroque palace in Vienna, Austria. -
Special orders for Louis Salmon's leave in Switzerland and Italy.
The orders outline Salmon's schedule and includes notes about using currency in Switzerland. The orders were stamped by Swiss border control. -
Christmas card from the 42nd Infantry Rainbow Division.
The card is unsigned. The message inside reads, "May your Christmas be Merry and the New Year rich with blessings, Austria 1945." -
Playbill from a Vienna State Opera production of Tosca.
This production of Puccini's Tosca was produced by the Vienna Staatsoper at the Volksopergebäude in Vienna, Austria. Collected by Louis Salmon during his U.S. Army service in Austria during and after World War II, this playbill includes a cast listing and schedule in German. -
Playbill from a Vienna State Opera production of Martha.
This production of Friedrich von Flotow's Martha was produced by the Vienna Staatsoper at the Volksopergebäude in Vienna, Austria. Collected by Louis Salmon during his U.S. Army service in Austria in World War II, this playbill includes a cast listing and schedule in German. -
222nd Infantry Thanksgiving program.
The program lists a slate of dances and performances and a menu for the festivities.