UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • spc_nick_000578_000586.pdf

    These letters to David Bowman, reporter and editorial writer, all pertain to Bowman's story about Colonel John Nickerson. The first letter includes foot notes and states that he sent a copy of the story to a Washington Post writer. The second letter contains additional information relating to the missile program that may be helpful for the story and a diagram of the original prototype for the Explorer I earth satellite. This set of letters also includes the original letter from David Bowman to Brig. Gen. Harold W. Nelson in which Bowman states he finally photocopied the published transcripts of Colonel Nickerson's court martial. Nelson's reponse follows thanking Bowman for sending the series on Colonel Nickerson. The final letter from Colonel Thomas W. Sweeney includes a working bibliography on the Nickerson case and invites him to visit the Military History Institute.
  • spc_nick_000134_000134.pdf

    Jones sent this telegram in reponse to Bell's March 11th letter requesting information for the Nickerson case. He informs Bell that the information cannot be sent to him but may be purchased in a 15 volume book set.
  • spc_nick_000194_000197.pdf

    Written testimony of William F. Hunt, employee of Reynolds Metals Company, as presented if he were "present in court". No signatures of the defense counsel, accused, or trial counsel are on the document.
  • spc_nick_000186_000187_000289_000290.pdf

    Written testimony of Maurice W. Roche, administrative assistant for the Office of the Secretary of Defense, as presented if he were "present in court". Signed by the defense counsel, the accused, and the trial counsel.
  • spc_nick_000200_000203.pdf

    Written testimony of John A. Baumann, employee of the Radio Corporation of America, presented if he were "present in court". No signatures of the defense counsel, accused, or trial counsel are on the document.
  • spc_nick_000188_000190_000285_000286.pdf

    Written testimony of Erik Bergaust, managing editor of Missiles and Rockets Magazine, as presented if he were "present in court". Signed by the defense counsel, the accused, and the trial counsel.
  • spc_nick_000184_000185_000287_000288.pdf

    Written testimony of Edward Hull, assistant editor of Missiles and Rockets Magazine, as presented if he were "present in court". Signed by the defense counsel, the accused, and the trial counsel.
  • spc_nick_000198_000199.pdf

    Written testimony of William C. Pritchard, Colonel with the Army Physical Evaluation Board at Walter Reed Hospital, as presented if he were "present in court". Page two missing. Handwritten note at the bottom says, "2d page only had signatures."
  • spc_nick_000192_000193.pdf

    Written testimony of Brigadier General A. J. Kinney, Director of the Office of information Services, Department of the Air Force, as presented if he were "present in court". No signatures of the defense counsel, accused, or trial counsel are on the document.
  • spc_nick_000210_000211.pdf

    Notes detail James, who suggested the name of Drew Pearson to Colonel Nickerson, and his actions as pertaining to the case.
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