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Subject is exactly "United States--Department of Defense"
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THE PENTAGON... BEFORE AND AFTER SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 Historical Preservation and Force Protection of a National Historic Landmark....
Informational poster detailing the changes to the Pentagon after 9/11. The poster has photographs with captions on top of a blurred American flag background.
Somewhere...a bugle softly sounds. The message of renown, And some inside their buildings wait Until the flag comes down. And others run to get their cars Quite harrowed or dismayed, Afraid that they will not reach the gate Before retreat is played. Not thinking of the flag or those Who fought to keep it flying. How many would be glad to stand, Whose bodies now are mute, Or have no hand that they might raise And stand in proud salute. So accept it not as duty But a privilege even more And receive it as an honor Instead of just a chore.
Salute the graves of fallen soldiers and American flag
No Bite on the Neck...Just a Drop From the Finger! Your cholesterol count can predict your risk for heart disease.
Dracula showing that a drop from your finger is no big deal like being bitten on the neck
Lost in Space....
Art of astronaut floating in space with informational text about credit card debt.
Fry Now Pay Later!; Going For The Bronze Today Could Mean Losing To Cancer Tomorrow
Man and woman in the sun getting tan
"You've Got the Brains! What You Need Is an Education!; Shake out the sawdust and sign up for the fall semester"
Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz singing If I Only Had a Brain
"You're so cool when you spit brown juice; Other awesome effects of smokeless tobacco include mouth cancer, gum and tooth problems, high blood pressure and nicotine addiction. Barn breath is a sure-thing extra."
Cowboy that looks like a skeleton man on a barn
"You May Think You're in So Deep There's No Way Out...But, a lot of people willing to lend a hand-family, friends, chaplain and counselors. With help, you can climb back to the top."
Hand reaching out from a cave with other hands offering to help it out
"You can get burned fiddling too long in the sun. Sunburn is preventable!"
Picture of a man fiddling at a pool
"Yeah, I saw that package just sitting there-but I didn't want to overreact."; First Lesson in Anti-Terrorism: Know what is normal in order to detect the unusual.""
Hole in ground and in building from an explosive
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