This image of a W.L. Halsey transaction from August 7, 1900, is cropped from page 471 of Harrison Brothers Hardware Company daybook 2, 1898-1902. The transaction on this page was paid for in cash and does not correspond to a customer account page. W.L. Halsey purchased tobacco products in this transaction. W.L. Halsey owned a grocery company in Huntsville, Alabama, and was a frequent customer at Harrison Brothers.
This image of a D.S. Brandon transaction from September 5, 1898, is cropped from page 89 of Harrison Brothers Hardware Company daybook 2, 1898-1902. In this transaction, D.S. Brandon purchased a tobacco product. The transaction on this page corresponds to H. Brandon's customer account on page 28 of Harrison Brothers Hardware Company customer account ledger 1, 1897-1904. Henderson and his son Daniel S. Brandon were Black business owners in Huntsville, Alabama.
The text on this card states "Manufactured only by D.T. Harrison, Huntsville, Alabama. Notice: The Manufacturer of this Tobacco has complied with all the requirements of law. Every person is cautioned under the penalty of law not to use this package for Tobacco again. D.T. Harrison, Factory, 1, District, Alabama. Hay Bros, Print, Huntsville, Ala."