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"Survey of Saturn stage test and checkout computer program development."
This survey of the Saturn Stage Test and Checkout Computer Program Development contains a summary description of the systems developed for factory and static test of the stages of the SATURN IB and SATURN V Vehicles. The responsibilities of the MSFC and stage contractor organizations that are involved in test and checkout computer program development are briefly described. The test and checkout hardware and software (computer program) systems are given for each stage and for each site where tests are conducted. The systems and procedures that are used for program production verification, documentation, and change control required for the implementation of planned computer programs are included. Notes are included in the report to indicate what material is missing or incomplete. No attempt has been made to draw any conclusions regarding the automatic test and checkout systems being developed for each stage and the manner in which the efforts are organized, scheduled, and implemented. This document has been based on material provided by stage contractors and by components of MSFC through May 1, 1966. COMPUTER SYSTEMS SECTION. VEHICLE SYSTEMS INTEGRATION BRANCH. VEHICLE SYSTEMS CHECKOUT DIVISION.; SR-QUAL-66-3. -
"Technical problems in on-board checkout systems."
For the purposes of this paper, an onboard checkout system is defined as a system which is built into prime flight equipment, flies with it, and permits a checkout capability to exist during all the major phases of the test and mission life of that prime equipment. Varying degrees of capability may exist in such a system, depending on what is designed into it. This, in turn, is generally dependant on life and mission requirements of the prime equipment, degree of mission checkout required, reliability restrictions,redundancy levels, data management scheme, and equally important, state of the art . Not all checkout can be accomplished with onboard equipment. Mechanical system problems such as leak detection, for example, require techniques that cannot be remotely controlled and evaluated today. On the other hand, such things as in-flight telemetry have been used for quite a long time and will continue to be used for onboard checkout. -
"Some computer applications in Saturn stage checkout."
This paper discusses a number of interesting applications of digital computers in the checkout of individual Saturn stages and in the prelaunch checkout of the complete Saturn vehicle. It discusses the concepts of automation in Saturn checkout, the unique two-computer mode of operation at the launch site and the operations of the high speed data link connecting the two computers. Also discussed are the functions of the computer while propellants are loaded automatically on one of the stages; the functions of the display computer in the newest and largest Saturn display system, and operations and utilization of the Digital Events Evaluator, the main recording device utilized during stage checkout.