UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (5 total)

  • spc_dann_000233.mp4

    Film shows Konrad and Kerry Dannenberg visiting a local swimming pool. While unable to swim, Kerry is held by Konrad as he plays in the water. Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama. "Film Broken - Kerry & Ko at Monte Sano, Swim Club! Outside - in small pool, in big pool - INTERRUPTION / a few feet at home, 3 Sept 68 - Labor Day, glue together!" 1968.
  • spc_dann_000160.mp4

    The deBeers meet up with the Konrad, Klaus, and Ingeborg Dannenberg at Zoder's Court in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. They then show themselves relaxing by the pool, as well as exploring and playing in the creek that runs next to the inn. Spring/Summer 1958.
  • spc_dann_000122.mp4

    Summer 1956 backyard activities at 5901 Jumilla Ave in Woodland Hills in Los Angeles, California. Showcase of the backyard garden as well as Klaus and Konrad swimming the the backyard pool.
  • spc_dann_000121.mp4

    Ingeborg and Klaus showing blooming flowers in back garden. Klaus, Konrad and others enjoying the backyard pool, 5901 Jumilla Ave, spring 1956.
  • spc_dann_000175.mp4

    Konrad, Klaus, and Ingeborg Dannenberg enjoy the pool at the Tradewinds Club where they're staying outside of Cape Canaveral, Florida. They're shown swimming, lounging in the sun, and using the diving board. June 1959.