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  • spc_stnv_000037.pdf

    Given at the IRAD Technical Seminar, Gaithersburg, Maryland, January 30, 1968. F. L. Pugh, Principal investigator; E. C. Caldwell, Advanced IU Systems, IBM Huntsville.
  • saturnsa-1flighanditsinstrumenta_031607091738.pdf

    Presentation focusing on empahsising the importance of space programs such as Saturn.
  • satuinstrsystems_041707143924.pdf

    Paper to be presented at the Third International Flight Test Instrumentation Symposium College of Aeronautics. A brief description of the Saturn vehicles is given, delineating the makeup of and differences between the Saturn I, Saturn IB, and Saturn V.
  • phiandpraofrelasappinthedesofthesatinssys_013008103714.pdf

    The basic engineering approach used in the Saturn instrumentation system has evolved to provide a highly reliable design for short periods of operation. The airborne measuring and telemetry systems including preflight tests, inspection, documentation, and feedback between the users and designers are discussed. The apparent differences between the practice and theory of reliability are rationalized. Some consideration is given to new problems in designing systems that must operate in hostile environments for long periods. The potential contribution of redundancy as a design concept is discussed.; This paper is concerned with the airborne measuring and telemetry systems; it does not attempt to treat the entire Saturn instrumentation system which consists of tracking devices including optical, radar, and Doppler, plus television, film cameras, and a myriad of instruments connected with factory checkout, ground test, and launch.
  • Instprogcompcont_082007101905.pdf

    A number of considerations are necessary in instrumentation programming, many of which are either not applicable or applicable to a lesser degree in other types of programming. This paper discusses these problems in general terms and illustrates how they have been dealt with specifically. The latter is done by describing the programming and operation of a data reduction system.