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Advanced Astrionics project review.
Given at the IRAD Technical Seminar, Gaithersburg, Maryland, January 30, 1968. F. L. Pugh, Principal investigator; E. C. Caldwell, Advanced IU Systems, IBM Huntsville. -
Saturn Launch Vehicles Astrionics System Handbook, 2nd revised edition.
This updated edition of the Astrionics System Handbook instructs, "The enclosed pages change, delete, or supplement the information in the Astrionics System Handbook (1 August 1965). Insert these pages and destroy the pages they replace." -
Saturn Launch Vehicles Astrionics System Handbook.
Includes change pages. Contract NAS8-14000. Second revised edition. V66-15610. NASA-CR71607. The introduction notes, "This second revised edition of the Astrionics System Handbook has been developed under the direction and overall supervision of Dr. Rudolf Decher of the Astrionics Systems Engineering Office. This description of the Saturn Astrionics System has been generated by personnel of the Astrionics Laboratory, the staff of the Astrionics Systems Engineering Office, and by personnel of the International Business Machines Corporation working under Contract NAS8- 14000. The handbook will be updated and expanded as it becomes necessary due to changes or refinements in the system concept and hardware. Sections not contained in the first release of this document will be made available within three months." Signed by Ludie G. Richard, Chief, Systems Engineering Office, Astrionics Laboratory. The document is missing pages in the following locations: Chapters 8, 9, 12. Sections 15.2, 15.3, 15.4-1 thru 15.4-16, 15.5-1 thru 15.5-2, 15.5-5 thru 15.5-8. -
"Approach in Achieving High Reliability for Saturn Class Vehicles."
This paper focuses on an approach for achieving high reliability within the Navigation, Guidance, and Control systems of the Saturn class launch vehicles. -
"Technique for reliability circuit design review in space electronics."
Design review is becoming a basic requirement during the design and development of military systems. The main purpose of the design review is to increase the system's inherent and operational reliability. The major portion of this paper is the result of reliability's effort to comply with Paragraph 3.6 of NPC 250-1 Reliability Program Provisions for Space Contractors. The design review to be discussed is a reliability circuit design review with emphasis placed on what should be reviewed and the review techniques employed. The basic circuit design review prerequisites, component parts and their ratings, are discussed at the beginning of this paper. The remainder deals with the organization and reviewing of circuits. The review items include worst-case circuit performance, component applications, failure mode analysis, noise rejection, electrical stress, and the determination of component temperatures. Many examples are included to illustrate how each item was accomplished. This paper is intended not only to give the reliability analyst cognizance of basic design problems and troublesome circuits, but also, to aid him in formulating a design review program. -
"Saturn television system for SA-6."
The Saturn television system is an instrumentation device intended to provide visual information on vehicle performance in real time. The system covers the entire problem from the original image presented to the television camera to the presentation of the finished photographs for analyses. -
"Instrumentation Programming for Computer Controlled Digital Data Processing."
A number of considerations are necessary in instrumentation programming, many of which are either not applicable or applicable to a lesser degree in other types of programming. This paper discusses these problems in general terms and illustrates how they have been dealt with specifically. The latter is done by describing the programming and operation of a data reduction system. -
"Computer Controlled Power Application for the Saturn Launch Vehicle".
This paper describes a real-time digital computer program that controls the application of electrical power to the S-IVB stage of the Saturn vehicle at Cape Kennedy, Florida. Douglas Aircraft Company, the S-IVB stage manufacturer, provided NASA with the program requirements relative to the energizing sequence, voltage and current measurement tolerances, and vehicle system operational tests. International Business Machines Corporation provided NASA with the computer program to satisfy the task requirements. The program conjoined the components of the Electrical Support Equipment (two RCA 110A computers and control and instrumentation devices) into a closed loop system. The supporting operating system program by IBM is described. -
External and Electronic Views of the Skylab Habitat.
The images depict the assembly process for aspects of the Skylab habitat. The pictures primarily depict external views, and internal electronics. The pictures feature the Skylab docking port in various states of assembly. -
Internal Forward View of the Skylab Habitat.
The images depict the Skylab habitat from an internal forward view. The images depict the docking port and the docking tunnel. The images depict the stowage systems designed to hold experiments that would be carried out in space. The image depicts completed wiring systems.