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  • Methcleaeleccomp_022008153249.pdf

    In describing the cleaning of electronic components and subassemblies, it must be taken into consideration that each part to be cleaned presents an individual problem. The method of cleaning must be tailored to the type of part to be cleaned as well as to the type of soil to be removed. This paper reviews some of the methods used in cleaning electronic arts, particularly printed circuits, as well as other critical hardware which is used in support of electronic assemblies. Some of the methods covered include the use of abrasives, acids, solvents and alkalies, and the employment of these in combination with ultrasonic and other automatic systems. The clean room in use at IBM Huntsville is described briefly, along with the solutions and solvents used in cleaning electronic and supporting parts. Cleanliness- requirements for the area and the materials, together with procedures for meeting them give added emphasis to the critical nature of today's contamination control programs. The paper concludes with a summary of the cleaning procedures and the cleanroom benefits to be obtained by using present day technologies to improve them.