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"Aerospace Vehicle Simulation and Checkout."
Paper by J. W. Moore and J. R. Mitchell, Quality & Reliability Assurance Laboratory, Marshall Space Flight Center, and H. H. Trauboth, Computation Laboratory, Marshall Space Flight Center. The paper summary notes, "The advancement of the space age into increasingly complex and ambitious missions requiring the development and operation of more sophisticated and intricate launch vehicles has generated numerous problem areas. The purpose of this paper is to define the Aerospace Vehicle Simulation; discuss the relationship of this simulation to the major problem areas of checkout; describe the development and implementation of this simulation system; indicate multidiscipline applications to present and future programs." -
"Automated PCM Data Processor Theory of Operation."
Includes a blueprint of DDAS System Block Diagram. -
"Electrical support equipment" (ESE) [photograph].
8 x 10 inch black and white photograph. A photograph of a workspace. -
"Launch Control and Checkout Equipment (LCCE) [photograph]."
Description of an 8 x 10 inch black and white photograph. -
"Practicalities in automated manufacturing checkout."
This paper presents a number of solutions to a number of unanswered questions regarding the Saturn projects. -
"Some computer applications in Saturn stage checkout."
This paper discusses a number of interesting applications of digital computers in the checkout of individual Saturn stages and in the prelaunch checkout of the complete Saturn vehicle. It discusses the concepts of automation in Saturn checkout, the unique two-computer mode of operation at the launch site and the operations of the high speed data link connecting the two computers. Also discussed are the functions of the computer while propellants are loaded automatically on one of the stages; the functions of the display computer in the newest and largest Saturn display system, and operations and utilization of the Digital Events Evaluator, the main recording device utilized during stage checkout. -
"The development of a checkout language : ATOLL."
ATOLL was developed to fulfill the requirements for a common computer language that could be used by the test engineers for launch and factory checkout. "ATOLL" is the abbreviated name for Acceptance, Test, Or Launch Language. -
"Timing and countdown systems handbook."
The purposes of this handbook are to present the John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Timing and Countdown Systems Operations Plan, to provide a description of the systems in use, to familiarize personnel engaged in space vehicle checkout and launch operations with available KSC timing and countdown services and to show how these services may be obtained.