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"We're winning the race with Russia."
Partial article discussing the United States' victories in the space-race over Russia. -
Space Intelligence Notes, December 1963.
This is Vol. 4, No. 12 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as planned atomic research in Israel, the flight of Cosmos-21 and Cosmos-22, and the launch of Japan's first missile ship; from the semitechnical literature such as new constributions to space flight; from the technical literature includng biological sciences, chemistry, space flight, and units and measurements; science and technology section translations; and bibliographies. -
Space Intelligence Notes, November 1963.
This is Vol. 4, No. 11 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as rocket firing progress in India, the election of a new president, and the exchange of measurement experts between the US and USSR; from the semitechnical literature such as Soviet aims in astronomy and space research; from the technical literature including communication, materials engineering, space flight, tracking, and vehicle engineering; and bibliographies. -
Space Intelligence Notes, October 1963.
This is Vol. 4, No. 10 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as ice from space, US tracking station plans, the presence of intelligent beings on Mars, and sun eruptions possibly causing atomic geysers on the Moon; from the semitechnical literature such as sun power; from the technical literature including astrogeology, life support, materials engineering, physics, theoretical physics, and nuclear physics; and bibliography. -
Space Intelligence Notes, September 1963.
This is Vol. 4, No. 9 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as re-useable research rocket, high speed cameras, Soviet plans, and space pursuits; from the semitechnical literature such as the effects of noise and vibration on man; from the technical literature including astrophysics, atmospheric physics, chemistry, instrumentation, life support, orbital mechanics, organic chemistry, space flight, and vehicle engineering; space and technology section translations; on books; and bibliographies. -
Space Intelligence Notes, August 1963.
This is Vol. 4, No. 8 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as Soviets search for international cooperation for Moon trip and the completion of Soviet Pacific Ocean shots; from the semitechnical literature; from the technical literature including communications, lasers, photography, and space flight; science and technology section translations; on books; and bibliographies. -
Space Intelligence Notes, July 1963.
This is Vol. 4, No. 7 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as the Soviets putting the first woman in space, the launch of Soviet Cosmos -18, and West Germany's entrance into the space age; from the semitechnical literature such as new isotopes; from the technical literature including chemistry, electronics, lasers, materials engineering, physics, propulsion, and reliability; science and technology section translations; and a report on COSPAR. -
Space Intelligence Notes, June 1963.
This is Vol. 4, No. 6 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as the failure of Mars I, Soviet claims that Earth as a "Saturn" ring, and the confirmation of a new atom part; from the semitechnical literature such as the Canadian satellite Alouette; from the technical literature including astronomy, biosciences, communications, geosciences, lasers, life sciences, materials engineering, theoretical physics, tracking, and vehicle engineerings; science and technology section translations; on books; and technical articles in the journal literature. -
Space Intelligence Notes, May 1963.
This is Vol. 4, No. 5 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as the new French tracking radar, Soviet generators' use of wind power, and the reality of the US-Soviet joint space effort; from the semitechnical literature such as experiences from the US and Soviet of manned space flights, physical conditioning during space flight, and the possibility of "Moon glow" and "Moon shine"; from the technical literature including astrogeology, lasers, materials engineering, physics, space flight, and science and technology section translations; on books; and bibliographies. -
Space Intelligence Notes, April 1963.
This is Vol. 4, No. 4 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as the booster size of the Soviet manned flight, the course correction of Soviet spacecraft Mars I, the announcement of U.S.-France space program, and Russian estimates of water on Mars; from the semitechnical literature such as Earth from orbit and the Moon as a power source; from the technical literature including astronomy, astrophysics, geophysics, life support, materials engineering, physics, and space flight; on books; and bibliographies.