Letter to Wernher von Braun from John M. Logsdon reiterating his request to use Braun's memorandum in his book as well as apologizing for any miscommunication.
This is an attempt to answer some of the questions about our national space program raised by The President in his memorandum to you dated April 20, 1961. I should like to emphasize that the following comments are strictly my own and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in which I have the honor to serve.
This attached correspondence indicates a great deal of confusion and that a number of people are in the act. The matter before the house is whether we will (Dr. von Braun is asked) to allow Logsdon to have a copy of the Von Braun memo to the Vice President on space goals.
Memorandum from NASA Chief of Public Affairs to Eugine M. Emme. States that a video from Wernher von Braun are included regarding his views on the NASA program.