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"A 'Zero Stage' for the Saturn IB Launch Vehicle."
To meet the demands of increasing payload size and weight, and to fill the large payload gap between the Saturn IB and Saturn V, a number of methods of uprating the Saturn IB have been studied by NASA and Chrysler Corp. of providing increased payload capability is discussed in this paper. Four 120 in. United Technology Center UA-1205 solid propellant motors, originally developed for the Air Force Titan III program, are clustered around the S-IB first stage of the Saturn IB launch vehicle. These four solid propellant motors provide the total thrust for liftoff of the vehicle, with S-IB stage ignition occurring just prior to burn-out and separation of the solid propellant motors. The term "Zero Stage" is applied to this added stage. -
"Rocket engine selection criteria."
This paper considers many of the factors and criteria which have to be considered and evaluated when selecting a specific rocket engine for a given vehicle application. The lists of criteria can be helpful as checklists in design and systems engineering of a rocket propulsion device. About ten different applications are examined to illustrate the relative importance of some of these selection criteria. There will be groupings of our major types of criteria; namely, performance, operational, economic and so-called judgment criteria. In many cases the last three categories are equally or more important than the performance criteria in selecting one of several rocket engines for a specific application. The actual selection usually is a compromise to make the rocket engine responsive to several important criteria.