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Architecture notebook 9: Log houses on Hurricane Valley Rd. and Hurricane Creek Rd. in Madison County, Ala.
Hurricane Valley log house, built c. 1820. Federal Period. Includes a log barn and a shed. Located on Hurricane Valley Rd. in Madison County, Alabama. House built c. 1835-1850, dogtrot log house, and log house off Hurricane Creek Rd. in Madison County, Alabama. -
Architecture notebook 5: Gaines House, at 132 Walker Ave., Huntsville, Ala.
Gaines House, built c. 1900. Late-Victorian. Includes a storage shed that possibly functioned as a buggy house. Located at 132 Walker Ave., Huntsville, Alabama. -
Architecture notebook 16: Cain House, at 4828 High St., Mooresville, Alabama.
Cain House, built late 19th century. Late Victorian style. Includes an outbuilding and a 20th century garage. Located at 4828 High St. in Mooresvile, Alabama. -
Architecture notebook 34: Rural Buildings, in Gurley, Alabama, Big Cove, Alabama, Jeff, Alabama, Chase, Alabama, and Athens, Alabama.
Various rural buildings. Includes: A pre-1860 limestone chimney in south Gurley, Alabama; Solomon DeBow house, built c. 1840 on McMullen Rd. near Gurley, Alabama; A pre-Civil War house converted to a barn on McMullen Rd. near Gurley, Alabama; A 1 and a half story house in Gurley, Alabama; A store and a barn from New Hope, Alabama; Barns and tralers in in Big Cove, Alabama; Empty stores in New Hope, Alabama; An empty store, a cattle shed, and barns in Jeff, Alabama; A Victorian house north of Jeff, Alabama; The Chase Nursery Barn in Chase, Alabama; Barns and houses near Athens, Alabama. -
Architecture notebook 57: Draper Residence, on Clinton Ave., Courtland, Alabama.
Draper Residence, built c. 1830 in Federal and Victorian style. Records indicate the presence of a outbuilding, servants house, shed, barn, and well at one point. Colonial Revival Tabernacle style frame built around the front door and a Victorian veranda added c. 1920. Located on Clinton Ave., Courtland, Alabama.