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"MSFC Manned Space Flight Program status for presentation to the Management Council, March 26, 1963."
This is material prepared in support of Dr. Von Braun's presentation for the March 26, 1963, Management Council Meeting - Agenda Item 3, "MSFC Status Report". Presentation material consists of slides, a film report and narrative backup-information to support the presentation. -
"MSFC Manned Space Flight Program status for December 18, 1962 Management Council meeting."
This is material prepared in support of Dr. von Braun's presentation for the December 18, 1962, Management Council Meeting - Agenda Item 2, "MSFC Status Report." -
"MSFC Manned Space Flight Program status for presentation to the Management Council."
This is material prepared in support of Dr. von Braun's presentation for the August 27, 1963, Management Council Meeting - Agenda Item 2, "MSFC Status Report."; Original is photocopy.; M-CP-P(R40).; TMXS 7544.; Includes references to film and slides.; Contents include: 1. SA-5 Status; 2. SA-5 voice orbital transmitter; 3. Integration effort. -
"Manned Space Flight Program status for presentation to the Management Council."
This is material prepared in support of Dr. von Braun's presentation for the January 29, 1963, Management Council Meeting - Agenda Item 1, " MSFC Status Report". Presentation material consists of slides , a film report and narrative back-up information to support the presentation. -
"Press release 931A : Saturn S-IV first firing."
Following is text of Douglas release on successful first firing of clustered P&W RL10 engines. Occurred at 11:12 A.M. PDT, August 17. Santa Monica, California.; "Sacramento, Calif,--Man's effort to reach the moon moved nearer reality today with the successful first firing here of the six liquid oxygen-liquid hydrogen fueled engines of the Saturn S-IV. -
"Douglas Aircraft Company Press release."
Press release covering the static firing of the S-IV rocket for a full seven minutes. -
"Saturn S-IVB quarterly technical progress report."
Douglas Aircraft Company Report DAC-56533, Saturn S-IVB Quarterly Technical Progress Report, covers design and development progress on the Saturn IB and Saturn V configurations of the S-IVB stage during January, February, and March 1967. This report is prepared for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Contract NAS7-01.; Prepared for National Aeronautics and Space Administration under NASA contract NAS7-101.; Approved by A. P. O'Neal, Director, Saturn Development Engineering. -
"Saturn S-IVB quarterly technical progress report."
Douglas Aircraft Company Report DAC-56445, Saturn S-IVB Quarterly Technical Progress Report, covers design and development progress on the Saturn IB and Saturn V configurations of the S-IVB stage during August and September 1966. This report is prepared for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Contract NAS7-101. -
"System safety handbook."
The testing of a hardware system consists of' subjecting it to carefully controlled operating conditions for the purpose of demonstrating that this system performs its function properly. -
"Structural problems of large space boosters."
Report discussing the flaws in having large rocket boosters.