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"Altitude Simulation in Saturn SIV Space Testing."
This paper was presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers. The abstract reads, "The Douglas Aircraft Company has been involved in testing the Saturn SIV stage at the Sacramento Test Center for the past two years. The propulsion system for the SIV stage consists of six (6) Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Company rocket engines which are designed specifically for high altitude start and operation. During static firing tests of this engine at sea level, a steam jet ejector in combination with a diffuser, are used to simulate altitude conditions. The intent of this paper is to examine the performance of this altitude simulation system, and to discuss problems encountered in making it operational." -
"Why internal insulation for the Saturn S-IV liquid hydrogen tank?."
Prepared for presentation at the Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Los Angeles, California, August 14-16, 1962.; There is no page 8. -
"The development of a bonded common bulkhead for Saturn."
A Part of the development of the Saturn S-IV/S-IVB stage the Douglas Aircraft Company has pioneered in the development of the cryogenic common bulkhead. The term common bulkhead is derived from the design function of the bulkhead, which is to separate the two cryogenics, liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, in a single tank, thereby shortening the stage and eliminating the necessity for two separate bulkheads and the associated interstage structure. The common bulkhead is structurally adequate to withstand both the thermal and the pressure loads from both the hydrogen and the oxygen tanks, and it has sufficient insulation properties to prevent the liquid hydrogen from freezing the liquid oxygen. Another benefit from the common bulkhead is that it permits a reduction in the total length of the vehicle, thereby reducing the bending moments. -
"S-IVB Saturn high energy upper stage and its development."
The development of carrier rockets For manned space missions has been one of the major activities in the aerospace field during the past decade. The early space efforts were made possible by the existence of large ballistics missiles. It soon became obvious that the delivery of weapons and the launch of large spacecraft could not be combined into one operational system in an efficient way; therefore, a family of spacecraft boosters had to be created. -
"Saturn S-IV cryogenic weigh system. Part I : propellant utilization."
In order to achieve maximum vehicle efficiency, it is essential that the vehicle propellants be loaded to desired values and that these propellants approach simultaneous depletion at the end of powered flight. To accomplish precise loading and assure minimum residuals, a highly accurate and repeatable, vehicle located, propellant management (PM) or propellant utilization (PU) system must be used. As the ability to load propellants to predetermined values depends directly on the ability of the system to accurately sense the propellant masses, it is essential that the system be calibrated with respect to propellant mass under conditions resembling those to be experienced during final loading and powered flight. The use of a cryogenic weight system will reduce the unknown factors in capacitance sensor element shaping, tank geometry, and propellant properties to a degree which will permit the determination of propellant masses to with .025%. -
"Saturn S-IV cryogenic weigh system. Part II : weigh operations."
Two basic methods for mass determination are: (1) direct measurement, (2) volume and density determination. Both methods or variations have been used to determine space vehicle propellant mass with varying degrees of success. Stringent propellant loading accuracy requirements of k0.5 percent for the Saturn S-IV Stage have led to the development of a Cryogenic Calibration Weigh System. The method employs accurate electronic force transducers and measuring systems as the standard and experimental weighings have verified achievement of better than the required accuracy. -
"Saturn stages S-II : July 7, 1961 : Minutes of the phase II pre-proposal conference for stage S-II procurement."
Transcription of a confrence aiming to propose ideas for new rocket designs. Includes references to slides. -
"Douglas Aircraft Company Press release."
Press release covering the static firing of the S-IV rocket for a full seven minutes. -
"Press release 931A : Saturn S-IV first firing."
Following is text of Douglas release on successful first firing of clustered P&W RL10 engines. Occurred at 11:12 A.M. PDT, August 17. Santa Monica, California.; "Sacramento, Calif,--Man's effort to reach the moon moved nearer reality today with the successful first firing here of the six liquid oxygen-liquid hydrogen fueled engines of the Saturn S-IV. -
"Launch Information: Saturn S-IV and the RL10 Engine."
The RL10, which powers the National Aeronautics and Space Administration' s Saturn S-IV, is the newest propulsion system to be put to work in advancing our nation's space effortr On November 27, 1963, a pair of RLlO's successfully powered a five-ton Centaur space vehicle in earth orbit in the first flight demonstration of the outer space powerplant which uses high-nenergy liquid hydrogen as fuel. A six-engine cluster of RLlO' s, generating a total of 90, 000 pounds of thrust, powers the Saturn S-IV stage. The 15, 000 pound-thrust engine was designed and developed for NASA's Mar shall Space Flight Center at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft's Florida Research and Development Center, 20 miles northwest of West Palm Beach. -
"Fulfilling the Aerospace Engineer's Responsibility for Product Reliability."
The management techniques described in the paper support the Saturn S-IVB Program which is being conducted for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Marshall Space Flight Center. -
"Evolutionary Steps in S-IVB Development."
The injection stage of a multistage launch vehicle must be partially a velocity stage and partially a spacecraft; it must not only boost the payload, it must also perform cooperative mission operations with the payload after orbital insertion. These hybrid requirements result in intrinsic stage versatility which permits consideration of new and challenging missions for the stage which were unanticipated during initial design.; Prepared by T. J. Gordon, Director, Advance Space Stations and Planetary Systems, Space Systems Center, Douglas Aircraft Company, Huntington Beach, California. -
Douglas Aircraft news release.
ABSTRACT: Discusses intensive ground qualification testing program for S-IV stage. -
"Design of the Saturn S-IV Stage Propellant Utilization System."
Describes the SIV vehicle and its components. Presented at: IRE International Convention. -
"Contracts for Saturn Upper Stages S-IV and S-V".
Details contracts for upper stages of Saturn IV and Saturn V and includes illustrative appendixes. Archive copy is a photocopy.