UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • telesystforsatus-istagdeve_032107081755.pdf

    The telemetry system used on the Saturn S-I stage for the transmission of vehicle test data is described. Multiplex and modulationtechniques such as PAM/FM/FM, SS/FM and PGM are used in the system. The diverse data requirements for developing the eight-engineliquid-fueled stage necessitated the use of a combination of severalmodulation techniques to efficiently handle the data. A cursory comparisonis made of the merits of each technique. Physical and electricalrequirements and characteristics of the system are outlined.
  • Saturnbaseheatingreview_022608110235.pdf

    The Saturn I booster which is powered by a cluster of eight rocket engines has been successfully flown on four successive flights. The early success of this large launch vehicle is a strong indication of the soundness of its base heating program. This paper summarizes the thinking that went into the design of our base configuration. Flight test results indicate that pressures, temperatures and heating rates were generally as expected. New techniques have been investigated for generating design data. It has been found experimentally that pressure and thermal fields establish themselves in one to three milliseconds and that data from the "short duration" technique compare favorably with "long duration" type tests. As a result, the new "short duration" technique has become the standard for generating design data for the Saturn vehicle.