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  • launinfosatus-iv_062007154516.pdf

    The RL10, which powers the National Aeronautics and Space Administration' s Saturn S-IV, is the newest propulsion system to be put to work in advancing our nation's space effortr On November 27, 1963, a pair of RLlO's successfully powered a five-ton Centaur space vehicle in earth orbit in the first flight demonstration of the outer space powerplant which uses high-nenergy liquid hydrogen as fuel. A six-engine cluster of RLlO' s, generating a total of 90, 000 pounds of thrust, powers the Saturn S-IV stage. The 15, 000 pound-thrust engine was designed and developed for NASA's Mar shall Space Flight Center at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft's Florida Research and Development Center, 20 miles northwest of West Palm Beach.
  • techimpllaunautom_072707115336.pdf

    This paper identifies the methods and equipment through which automation is becoming a major factor in testing and launching Saturn IB space vehicles. The merits of a digital guidance computer and its impact in extending automated checkout are stressed; also a logical basis is established for computer and manual test control. Hardware and software elements of the automated system are described, and details pertaining to reliability are emphasized. A concluding appraisal suggests that automation will play an expanding role in future test and launch operations.
  • timiandcounsysthand_073107142319.pdf

    The purposes of this handbook are to present the John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Timing and Countdown Systems Operations Plan, to provide a description of the systems in use, to familiarize personnel engaged in space vehicle checkout and launch operations with available KSC timing and countdown services and to show how these services may be obtained.
  • spc_stnv_000063.pdf
  • spc_schu_0002071.pdf

    Juno II was developed by the Army Ballistic Missile Agency in Huntsville, Alabama.