Photograph number 184. This photograph shows a the end of a railroad track. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
Photograph number 186. This photograph shows a railroad depot in Naples, Italy. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
Photograph number 187. This photograph shows a railroad depot in Naples, Italy. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
Photograph number 198. This photograph shows the railroad on the Mignano Bypass near Mignano, Italy in the Province of Caserta. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
Photograph number 199. This photograph shows a railroad that has either been partially destroyed or is in the process of being built. It is on the Mignano Bypass near Mignano, Italy in the Province of Caserta. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
Photograph number 404. This photograph shows the railroad in Venafro, Italy from the top of the bridge in photograph 403. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
Photograph number 405. This photograph shows the railroad in Venafro, Italy from the top of the bridge in photograph 403. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
The schedule states the train, station, baggage car, troop, mealtime, and number of box lunches for personnel. A note at the end states that the loading plan will be given out at the departure meeting on 15 November 1945.
This excerpt includes pages 36 and 37 of the daybook. In the entries, Schulze notes his travel to Fort Bliss, Texas from Aberdeen, Maryland. A translation is included.
The document requests the Reading Company to provide transportation for Burwell and three other officers from Camp Kilmer, New Jersey to Fort McPherson, Georgia.