UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • presrelsacrcaloct4_041207114716.pdf

    Press release covering the static firing of the S-IV rocket for a full seven minutes.
  • presrelsatsivfirstfiring_041207105422.pdf

    Following is text of Douglas release on successful first firing of clustered P&W RL10 engines. Occurred at 11:12 A.M. PDT, August 17. Santa Monica, California.; "Sacramento, Calif,--Man's effort to reach the moon moved nearer reality today with the successful first firing here of the six liquid oxygen-liquid hydrogen fueled engines of the Saturn S-IV.
  • offimemousgrl10_030607114557.pdf

    Memorandum regarding potential arguements and disagreements over the technical direction between two "customers."
  • launinfosatus-iv_062007154516.pdf

    The RL10, which powers the National Aeronautics and Space Administration' s Saturn S-IV, is the newest propulsion system to be put to work in advancing our nation's space effortr On November 27, 1963, a pair of RLlO's successfully powered a five-ton Centaur space vehicle in earth orbit in the first flight demonstration of the outer space powerplant which uses high-nenergy liquid hydrogen as fuel. A six-engine cluster of RLlO' s, generating a total of 90, 000 pounds of thrust, powers the Saturn S-IV stage. The 15, 000 pound-thrust engine was designed and developed for NASA's Mar shall Space Flight Center at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft's Florida Research and Development Center, 20 miles northwest of West Palm Beach.
  • lauvehengprodevpla_073007101313.pdf

    The primary mission objective of the 5-2 Engine Project is to continue development of a liquid oxygen/liquid hydrogen engine. capable of high-altitude restart. Both Saturn IB and Saturn V vehicles will use the J-2 engine; the S-IVB stage of Saturn IB vehicles and S-IVB stage of Saturn V vehicles will be equipped with a single J-2 engine. The S-I1 stage of Saturn V vehicles will use a cluster of five J-2 engines. Figure 1-3 illustrates these stages.
  • Infoaboupratwhitairc_082007100855.pdf

    A history of Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Florida Research and Development Center.

    Photograph of a Pratt & Whitney rocket engine.
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