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"Proceedings : second NASA-wide reliability & quality assurance meeting : NASA Headquarters, November 29 - December 1, 1966."
The papers presented at the second NASA-Wide Reliability and Quality Assurance Meeting are published to disseminate current experiences and information. These papers, presented at NASA Headquarters on November 29 - December 1, 1966, are one means of exchanging current NASA reliability and quality assurance knowledge between projects and programs. This publication has been marked "FOR NASA USE" since it contains management opinions and contract experiences. Publication of papers suitable for wide dissemination in the Government, industry and University community is expected to be made separately. John E. Condon, Director, Reliability & Quality Assurance. -
"Fulfilling the Aerospace Engineer's Responsibility for Product Reliability."
The management techniques described in the paper support the Saturn S-IVB Program which is being conducted for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Marshall Space Flight Center. -
"Memorandum, routing slip, and letter by Harold G. Russell, Colonel, USAF, concerning the Business Week article 'North American tries to advance under fire.'"
This document also contains part of the Business Week article "North American tries to advance under fire", (June 3, 1967) pages 154 to 162. The complete article can be found at the UAH Library in microfilm format.; The document has handwritten notes and is a poor photocopy. -
"Quality assurance provisions for government agencies."
NASA Quality publication that contains requirements designed to facilitate the execution of programs effectively. -
"Response to any news media queries concerning MSFC S-II stage."
Letter to answer any incoming questions from the media regarding the MSFC-II stage and any briefed on Seal Beach. -
"Reliability and quality management."
The role of Reliability and Quality in NASA program management is well defined by the NPC 200 series and complimentary procurement regulations. -
"X-ray television inspection of aerospace weldments : Television x-ray image enlargement system for inspection."
A sensitive new television X-ray image enlargement system has been developed under sponsorship of Watertown Arsenal Laboratories (Army Materials Research Agency) by the Department of Welding Engineering of The Ohio State University. Now commercially-available through Philips Electronics Instruments (Norelco), complete systems have been in service since January 1963 in aerospace, electronic, and other facilities. Such users report highly- satisfactory performance and unusual reliability in service. The new X-ray system permits in-motion or stationary examination of critical aerospace materials, components, and systems such as sheet materials, weldments, brazed joints, electronic components, printed circuit assemblies, small mechanisms, and biological specimens. -
"A Prime Contractor's Reliability Program for Components/Parts for the Douglas S-IVB Stage Project."
This paper, presented at the fifth annual Reliability and Maintainability Conference in New York City, contains a "prime contractor's reliability program for components/parts for the Douglas S-IVB stage project." These parts include special flight critical items and their complementary reliability engineering program plan is outlined in this paper.