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Loan contracts, bills, and receipts for business between I. Schiffman & Co. and Bill Bragg and Percy Bragg.
Various loan contracts, bills, and receipts for purchases made by Bill Bragg and Percy Bragg from I. Schiffman and Co. in 1906. The final document is a receipt for livestock and equipment in 1907. -
Receipt from $85.32 for S. Schiffman & Co. from R. D. McKinney.
Receipt from $85.32 for S. Schiffman & Co. from R. D. McKinney. -
Agreement for the installation of galvanized roofing.
Agreement for the installation of galvanized roofing on a cotton shed occupied and rented by Gilbert Bros. from I. Schiffman and Co. at the request of Bettie Schiffman. Bettie's name appears on documents after July 1910 due to the death of her husband, Isaac. -
Receipts for the sale of property.
Two receipts detailing the sale of horses, wagons, and harnesses to I. Schiffman & Co. for $80.00 and $85.00. -
Document certifying the sale of property from Lewis Douglass to I. Schiffman and Co.
This documents details the sale of property of Lewis Douglass to I. Schiffman and Co. and the accompaning prices. The sold property includes horses, mules, and donkeys. -
Personal letters to Ike Schiffman from Ben Stromberg.
Personal letters to Ike Schiffman from Ben Stromberg written on Stromberg, Kraus and Co. letterhead. The letters contain various business related topics and personal health information. Among the letters are telegrams acknowledging bills received and other business information. -
Telegram to A. L. Rison from Jones-Baugh Cotton Company.
Telegram to A. L. Rison from Jones-Baugh Cotton Company confirming the sale of one thousand bales of cotton. -
Receipts for the Dallas Manufacturing Company.
Receipts detailing the purchase of paint by Oscar Goldsmith and and itemized receipt and list. -
Correspondence between Oscar Goldsmith, John A. Chapman, and W. H. Halsey regarding property price negotiations.
These letters detail a chronological correspondence between Oscar Goldsmith and John A. Chapman, his agent, regarding negotiations to purchase property on Meridianville Pike from W. H. Halsey. The letters between Chapman and Goldsmith discuss reasonable price offers and "fancy" price Halsey wants for the property. In the end, Halsey writes a letter detailing the final transaction and cost. -
Receipt of payment from E. H. S.
Receipt of payment of $8.50 from E. H. S. signed by Walter Gurley.