UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • Repoofadhoc_120208114918.pdf

    It is the purpose of this report to clarify the goals, the missions and the costs of this effort in the forseeable future, particularly with regard to the man-in-space program
  • satuandtheexploofspac_042007155818.pdf

    Presentation Raymond Pisani to the East-West Bank Chamber of Commerce regarding the Saturn project's roll in space exploration and what contrabutions the East-West Bank can make in that area.
  • spacvehiforpeacexplinnsolasyst_031607132205.pdf

    Review of speech to be presented in Tampa, FL. Speech included references to slides.
  • usessaturn_071607093947.pdf

    Saturn and Apollo hardware will not have realized their ultimate potential for space exploration after the project lunar landing is complete. To accomplish the Apollo lunar landing program, an immense backlog of technology, facilities, and booster capability will have been built up, and we believe proper utilization of this resource will fill the needs for planetary, lunar and earth orbital space exploration for years to come.
  • spaceintelligencenotes_19631200.pdf

    This is Vol. 4, No. 12 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as planned atomic research in Israel, the flight of Cosmos-21 and Cosmos-22, and the launch of Japan's first missile ship; from the semitechnical literature such as new constributions to space flight; from the technical literature includng biological sciences, chemistry, space flight, and units and measurements; science and technology section translations; and bibliographies.
  • spaceintelligencenotes_19631100.pdf

    This is Vol. 4, No. 11 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as rocket firing progress in India, the election of a new president, and the exchange of measurement experts between the US and USSR; from the semitechnical literature such as Soviet aims in astronomy and space research; from the technical literature including communication, materials engineering, space flight, tracking, and vehicle engineering; and bibliographies.
  • spaceintelligencenotes_19631000.pdf

    This is Vol. 4, No. 10 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as ice from space, US tracking station plans, the presence of intelligent beings on Mars, and sun eruptions possibly causing atomic geysers on the Moon; from the semitechnical literature such as sun power; from the technical literature including astrogeology, life support, materials engineering, physics, theoretical physics, and nuclear physics; and bibliography.
  • spaceintelligencenotes_19630900.pdf

    This is Vol. 4, No. 9 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as re-useable research rocket, high speed cameras, Soviet plans, and space pursuits; from the semitechnical literature such as the effects of noise and vibration on man; from the technical literature including astrophysics, atmospheric physics, chemistry, instrumentation, life support, orbital mechanics, organic chemistry, space flight, and vehicle engineering; space and technology section translations; on books; and bibliographies.
  • spaceintelligencenotes_19630800.pdf

    This is Vol. 4, No. 8 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as Soviets search for international cooperation for Moon trip and the completion of Soviet Pacific Ocean shots; from the semitechnical literature; from the technical literature including communications, lasers, photography, and space flight; science and technology section translations; on books; and bibliographies.
  • spaceintelligencenotes_19630700.pdf

    This is Vol. 4, No. 7 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as the Soviets putting the first woman in space, the launch of Soviet Cosmos -18, and West Germany's entrance into the space age; from the semitechnical literature such as new isotopes; from the technical literature including chemistry, electronics, lasers, materials engineering, physics, propulsion, and reliability; science and technology section translations; and a report on COSPAR.