The images depict the electronic and external views of the Skylab airlock during the assembly process. The images also depict airlock components being prepared seperately from the Skylab airlock, in the cleanroom, to be installed on the Skylab airlock.
The images depict components of the Skylab airlock being prepared in the cleanroom. The images depict the Skylab airlock stowage container. The images depicts an internal view of the Skylab airlock. The images depict the installation of Skylab airlock components in the Skylab airlock.
The images depict components of the Skylab airlock being prepared in the cleanroom. The images depict the Skylab airlock stowage container. The image depicts an internal view of the Skylab airlock.
The images depict the storage systems in the Skylab habitat. These storage systems contain materials to support habitation, or they contain experiment components.
The images depict the Skylab experiments, as installed in the Skylab habitat. The images also depict the Skylab tape recorder, which would be used to record data from the three manned Skylab missions.