UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • spc_stnv_000098.pdf

    This fact sheet contains information related to the Apollo Telescope Mount, or ATM, which allows scientists to look at the activity of the sun through the fogging effects of the earth's atmosphere.
  • Presrelenasastar_101507093415.pdf

    Press release describing NASA's plans to begin manned missions set to begin in 1968.
  • humafactatmsky1.pdf.pdf

    Statement of work: Man/Machine activities -ATM; ATM problem areas; EVA commuting problem; Other EVA considerations; Analysis of crew considerations Mission 211/212; Mission objectives Crew Considerations; Mission Fight Profile & Operations Crew Considerations; Experiment operations crew considerations; EVA equipment requirements; Crew considerations carrier recommendations; Conclusions and recommendations crew considerations; Crew operations requirements preliminary 10 August 1996; ATM stabilization and control; ATM Carrier habitability and profile; Other ATM man/machine considerations.; Original is a poor photocopy.; Document has no page numbering.
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