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"The significance of parameters affecting the heat transfer to the liquid hydrogen in the Saturn S-IVB stage for the lunar orbit rendezvous mission."
The Saturn S-IVB stage has a requirement for orbiting around the earth for up to 4.5 hours with approximately 60 percent of its initial propellant remaining at the end of the coast (prior to restart) . Extensive analyses must be performed to insure that this requirement is met. Both the maximum and minimum heat transfer rates are important because the maximum rates affect the hydrogen boiloff losses and thus the initial propellant loading requirements. The minimum rates are important because the boil off gases are used to maintain a minimum axial thrust level by venting the gases continuously through aft facing nozzles. This provides for a settling of the propellant throughout the orbital coast and alleviates the need for periodically venting the tank under zero gravity. -
"Milestones in cryogenic liquid propellant rocket engines."
This paper reviews the milestones achieved with cryogenic liquid propellant rocket engines, discusses current technology improvement programs, and projects future engine designs. During the last two decades, these cryogenic rocket engines have played a major role in rocketry and achieved numerous important milestones. These engines power the Vanguard, Redstone, Thor, Atlas, and Titan I vehicles , the Saturn I and Uprated Saturn I vehicles, and will soon be employed in the Saturn V for the Apollo missions. The requirements dictated by these vehicles have necessitated growth from the 27,000-pound-thrust Vanguard engine to the 7,600,000-pound-thrust booster cluster for the Saturn V. Gains in specific impulse have also been significant. The successful application of liquid hydrogen in the Centaur and Saturn upper-stage rocket engines was a major achievement. -
"The J-2 Liquid Hydrogen Rocket Engine."
The 5-2 high-energy liquid propellant rocket engine (~i~. l), a large engine producing 200,000 pounds of thrust at altitude conditions, burns liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen to produce the necessary high specific impulse for practical space use. Rocketdyne, a Division of North American Aviation, Inc., is developing the engine for the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Xfi. The first use of the engine will be in the upper stages of the Saturn vehicles. Five engines will be used for the second, S-I1 stage of the Saturn V, and one will power the S-IVB third stage of the Saturn V and S-ISTI second stage of 'the Saturn IB; Original is a photocopy on onion skin. -
"Launch Vehicle Engines Project Development Plan."
This revised edition of the Launch Vehicle Engines Project Development Plan supersedes the issue dated July 1, 1965. Significant changes which have been made are:- Removal of classified data to permit publication as an unclassified document; - Removal of material applicable to the RL-10 Engine Project which was transferred to the Lewis Research Center effective May 1, 1966; - Elimination of detailed schedules which quickly become obsolete; - Punched for maintenance in loose-leaf 3-ring binders and for ease in updating material through issuance of replacement sheets. Binders are not furnished. The information in this document is current to January 1, 1967.; The Launch Vehicle Engines Project Development Plan is established in accordance with requirements of NASA General Management Instruction 4-1-1, Planning and Implementation of NASA Projects, and OMSF Instruction MP 9320.044, Preparation and Revision of Program/Project Development Plans (PDP's). The Plan, herein referred to as the PDP, has been developed within the scope of current Apollo Projects Approval Documents (PADS) and will be maintained by the Engine Program Manager to identify program requirements, responsibilities, tasks, and resources, and time phasing of major actions required to accomplish the Engine Program. -
"Launch Vehicle Engines Project Development Plan."
The primary mission objective of the 5-2 Engine Project is to continue development of a liquid oxygen/liquid hydrogen engine. capable of high-altitude restart. Both Saturn IB and Saturn V vehicles will use the J-2 engine; the S-IVB stage of Saturn IB vehicles and S-IVB stage of Saturn V vehicles will be equipped with a single J-2 engine. The S-I1 stage of Saturn V vehicles will use a cluster of five J-2 engines. Figure 1-3 illustrates these stages. -
"Furnace Brazing the F-1 Thrust Chamber for Apollo."
This work described in this report was performed for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under contract NASw-16. Rocketdyne is now building the F-1 engine for the Apollo lunar mission. Five F-1 engines, each capable of developing 1-1/2 million pounds of thrust will power the first stage of the launch vehicle of Saturn V. -
"Furnace Brazing of Liquid Rocket Thrust Chambers."
Brazing as a technique for joining metal parts has been utilized for centuries. Industry, however, has only begun to use it on a wide scale in the last twenty years. The rapid growth of brazing has been a result of consumer and military demands Tor products of lighter weight, less expense, and higher performance. Today, brazing is one of the most widely used fabrication techniques in the production of liquid rockets, gas turbines, refrigerator and other types of heat exchangers, automobile parts, vacuum tubes, and many nuclear products.