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Letter to Mrs. Nell Zimmer.
This personal letter from Robert K. Bell details personal health conditions and an upcoming trip to Washington. -
Letter to Lt. Col. Charles R. Zimmer from Ray H. Jenkins.
Jenkins writes in reponse to Zimmer's letter of September 27, 1957 about Zimmer's upcoming visit to Knoxville for the Georgia Tech game. Jenkins writes that Bell has also accepted the invitation and will be there as well. This copy of the letter includes a message for Robert K. Bell as it was forwarded to him as well. Jenkins writes about a mutual friend, Kenneth Nugent, who called after the game. Jenkins tells Bell to thank Kenneth for the call and that he is sorry to have missed him. -
Handwritten letter to Robert K. Bell and his wife, Carolyn, from Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr.
Nickerson writes in reponse to the Bells' letter of November 26. Nickerson writes from his new location in Panama after he was sent there following his court-martial. He details life there and various aspects of his positions. He expresses that he wishes the Bells would visit. In his postscript, Nickerson explains why he has not written for so long. -
Letter to John C. Nickerson, Jr. and his wife, Carol, from Robert K. Bell.
Bell writes in response to a recent letter from Nickerson. Bell details an upcoming trip to visit the Nickersons in Panama and state that they are "looking forward to seeing you." -
Letter to Robert K. Bell from Ray H. Jenkins.
Jenkins writes to Bell in response to a previous letter. They frequently exchange humorous stories through correspondence and Jenkins states that he will tell another when they meet in person again. Jenkins also expresses longing to get together with the entire defense counsel and their families and looks forward to doing so. -
Letter to Robert K. Bell from Jim G. Lucas.
Lucas writes concerning an enclosed document and thoughts regarding Colonel Medaris and the Nickerson case that had closed earlier that year. He closes by thanking Bell and his wife for their hospitality during his last stay in Huntsville. -
Letter to Robert K. Bell from Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr.
Nickerson writes to Bell about Bell's upcoming trip to Panama in May, 1958. He offers advice for travelling to Panama and various things to expect. He also asks Bell to type the enclosed letter to journalist Drew Pearson, and he called Nickerson asking for the trial record. -
Letter to Robert K. Bell from Ray H. Jenkins.
Jenkins writes to Bell about Drew Pearson's book, U.S.A.--Second-Class Power?, of which, he mentions, has an entire chapter on Colonel Nickerson. -
Letter to John L. Greer, Harry Brown, Roy Brown, and T. G. Brown.
Jenkins writes to the Browns to inform them that Robert K. Bell and his wife will be in Knoxville for the Tennessee-Georgia Tech football game and states that they must come meet the Bells. Jenkins includes two paragraphs from a previous letter from Bell to demonstrate his personality. -
Correspondence between Robert K. Bell and Ray H. Jenkins.
Several letters between Bell and Jenkins detail various things from their daily lives, humorous exchanges, the upcoming Tennessee-Georgia Tech football game they are gathering for, and a potential new case Jenkins has regarding workplace injuries and Bell's advice regarding the matter. Bell also includes a few updates on articles that have been published on the vindication of Colonel John Nickerson. -
Letter to William Thomas Hutchens from Mr. Charlie Willmore.
Willmore writes that he had lived with grandmother Casey who left a will and mortgaged property to him. He states that he will "make it right with you" if Hutchens investigates and helps him get his estate left to him. -
Letter to Mr. Newman from Corinne Legier Gleason.
Gleason writes to Newman about the letters from Mrs. Pitcher, asking if she could borrow them. She also mentions her brother, Robert, and his health. Gleason attaches a copy of a notice of land for sale in the letter that was taken from the Washington Intelligencer a few years earlier. The notice of land for sale details a tract of land "being in the whole about one thousand acres," called Benfield located in Charles County, Maryland by private contract. This document gives insight into land value in the area, as well as the neighborhood and house that sits on the land. The end of the document includes the next three owners that the land was sold to in 1817, 1835, and 1935. -
Correspondence including Dr. John A. Wyeth.
Dr. Wyeth writes to a "friend" about working, asks about Sam Russell and requests that the enclosed letter is given to him. He also asks for any information about Meck Robinson. The recipient, possibly W. P. Newman, responds that he gave the letter to Russell. He discusses their friendship and thanks Wyeth for the "Expressions of friendly, sweet, and tender miracles" for his family. He also discusses working and life struggles, calling the world "cold." The author shares various verses and personal information through his lengthy letter. The seventh and final page is missing the bottom part. The back of the final page includes a drawing, presumably by a child, and a handwritten note. -
Letter to W. T. Hutchens from W. E. Hodges.
This letter from W. E. Hodges details current happenings in cousin Hodges life. He requests coats and pants and writes that he "will glad get them." Hodges ends by stating he will be 70 years old the next year. -
Letter to W. T. Hutchens from W. E. Hodges.
This letter from W. E. Hodges discusses his current health stating that the doctor said it would be a "long time" before he is able to work all day again. He asks for any old clothes that Hutchens and his family no longer need and he will be glad to get them. -
Letter to Ellen Newman from William Newman.
Will writes to Ellen about his trip to Canada. He includes various activities and details of the weather. -
Letter to Oscar Goldsmith from Ella.
The letter details Ella's selling of her place in Hot Spring, Arkansas. -
Personal letter to "Papa Oscar" from grandson Oscar.
This personal letter to Oscar Goldsmith from his grandson, also named Oscar, details the removal of young Oscar's tonsils and his gaining eight and a half pounds. He also writes of his first refrigerator sale and his hopes to sell more, though he is "no salesman". He conveys some information from his mom and thanks him for making her trip to New York possible. Finally, young Oscar thanks Papa Oscar for paying his tonsil removal bill, and promises that he can take care of his dentist bill. -
Letter to Oscar Goldsmith from his cousin, Mo.
This personal letter to Oscar Goldsmith from his cousin, Mo, mentions the health of Mo and his hopes to be better soon. He writes that he has requested a meeting for the case of the Huntsville Land Co. with Mr. Plant. Mo closes be informing Oscar that Addie (his wife) is not well. -
Personal letter to Oscar Goldsmith from his niece Jeannette.
Jeannette thanks her uncle, Oscar Goldsmith, for letting them stay with them and getting to know the family. She details the difficult travels home and her plans to visit her father's family in Marietta. -
Letter from Ed addressed "Dear folks".
This letter is probably to Oscar Goldsmith and his wife, or whoever maintained correspondence with Ed while Oscar was sick. Ed expresses his apologies for Oscar's condition and states that it was "ideal Spring days" in Chattanooga. After closing the letter, Ed writes on the back: "Please pay the enclosed insurance premium also as I am afraid to pay it and run short of cash." -
Letter to Betty Goldsmith from Ella Davis.
Ella Davis writes to Betty Goldsmith, Oscar's wife, regarding her move to Hot Springs, Arkansas. She details the cost to move her things and asked Betty to have Mr. Goldsmith send her a check as she is now broke after paying the moving costs. She also writes about declining an offer on the property she is selling because the potential buyer refused to pay interest. -
Letter to Oscar Goldsmith from Victor White.
Victor White writes to Oscar Goldsmith apologizing for replying to his last letter over a month late. He informs Goldsmith that he is working in town and is hopeful to see him in New York. -
Letter to Harry Dannanbaum from Oscar Goldsmith.
Oscar Goldsmith informs Harry that he is sending a silver cup for the new baby in Helen's family and, because he does not have their address, is requesting that Harry deliver it for him. -
Letter to Mrs. E. H. Grosser from M. H. Lanier.
M. H. Lanier writes to Mrs. Grosser about Miss Nora Davis and her actions that appalled Mrs. Grosser regarding "certain work that was done at the cemetery." He suggests that Mrs. Grosser chose to have little to do with Nora Davis as he has chosen to do and Nora will leave her alone. -
Letter to Oscar Goldsmith from S. D. Brewsters about yearly sales and inventory.
S. D. Brewster writes to Oscar Goldsmith in response to a previous letter in which Goldsmith sent earning statements for the Dallas Mnfg. Co. He details how the profit was lower than he had hoped and wish the treasurer, Mr. Rison, who had been sick and just returned from Minnesota, well. -
Personal letters to Ike Schiffman from Ben Stromberg.
Personal letters to Ike Schiffman from Ben Stromberg written on Stromberg, Kraus and Co. letterhead. The letters contain various business related topics and personal health information. Among the letters are telegrams acknowledging bills received and other business information.