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Advanced Astrionics project review.
Given at the IRAD Technical Seminar, Gaithersburg, Maryland, January 30, 1968. F. L. Pugh, Principal investigator; E. C. Caldwell, Advanced IU Systems, IBM Huntsville. -
"Guidance and Control of Saturn Launch Vehicles."
The navigation, guidance, and control modes and problems of the Saturn launch vehicles are given as the requirements for the guidance and control methods. Two path adaptive guidance modes, featuring flight path optimization, in the form of a polynomial mode and an iterative mode are given in their computation form and compared with respect to mission flexibility, implementation requirements, and performance. Attitude control during the propelled flight phases requires consideration of various bending and sloshing modes; stability of the control system is obtained by phase stabilization of the low frequencies and by attenuation of the higher frequencies. Typical shaping networks and their transfer functions are given. The attitude control system during coasting periods is briefly described. The functional behavior and characteristic data of the main guidance and control hardware such as the inertial sensors, stabilized platform, digital computer, data adapter, control computer, and actuation system are described. Reliability requirements are emphasized. The principle of redundancy is extensively used to obtain highest reliability for long operating times. Data and results from recent Saturn I flights summarize the performance of the guidance schemes.