UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (16 total)

  • thethorhis.pdf

    This history is intended as a quick orientation source and as a ready-reference for review of the Thor and its systems. The report briefly states the development of Thor, summarizes and chronicles Thor missile and booster launchings, provides illustrations and descriptions of the vehicle systems, relates their genealogy, explains some of the performance capabilities of the Thor and Thor-based vehicles used, and focuses attention to the exploration of space by Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc.
  • spacvehiforpeacexplinnsolasyst_031607132205.pdf

    Review of speech to be presented in Tampa, FL. Speech included references to slides.
  • Scieandtech.pdf.pdf

    This publication contains the Marshal Space Flight Center contribution at the Science and Technology Advisory Committee (STAG) at the Manned Spacecraft Center.
  • SatusIIgrou.pdf

    This publication has been prepared to provide preliminary inspection requirements and limitations on all ground support equipment to support the Saturn II stage of the Saturn V launch vehicle.
  • Satusivengi_110110145014.pdf

    Folder of information.
  • satuandthenasaspacprog_040907103910.pdf

    Given at the Birmingham Chapter National Defense Transportation Association. Focuses chiefly on moon-missions.
  • satuapolapplprog_102407114943.pdf

    This first issue contains only some general provisions for the program and its requirements for the Saturn 1B launch vehicle.
  • satuascephasguidandconttech_040407110521.pdf

    Lunar Missions Meeting, July 17-19, 1962. Focuses on the guidence concept under development at the Marshall Space Flight Center
  • satudatasummhandbook_073007112243.pdf

    This handbook provides a technical data summary for the Douglas-produced Saturn S-IV and S-IVB stages of the NASA Apollo Program. Material contained in the S-IVB stage of this handbook includes the S-IB and S-V vehicles. This book will be updated as changes and additional information become available. The appendix contains aerospace fluid characteristics, LOX and LH2 vapor pressure curves and a list of non-standard abbreviations.
  • Sds2110.pdf

    The manual comprises a multi-volume set, the contents of which are as follows: VOLUME 1 -- a. Chapter 1 contains a general description of the equipment and its purpose, the physical and functional characteristics, and other pertinent data. b. Chapter 2 describes and illustrates the display set installation considerations. c. Chapter 3 lists and illustrates all operating controls and indicators. Chapter 3 also contains normal and emergency operating instructions.
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