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"IU/S-IVB Forward Skirt Orbital and Translunar Thermal Analyses."
This report determines the maximum and minimum solar and terrestrial thermal energy incident and absorbed by Saturn IB/V vehicles in earth orbit and translunar travel. The influence' of this external energy on the Instrument Unit Thermal Conditioning System performance, and consequently its adequacy to maintain the electronic packages at acceptable temperature limits is ascertained. Conclusions are: a) Methanol/water coolant temperature will deviate from 111 specifications only during translunar cold flights. However, adequate thermal conditioning of the electronic equipment would still be maintained. b) Instrument Unit missions exceeding 6 1/2 hours, or electronic packages heat dissipation magnitudes lower than 3 kw or higher than 8.5 kw, should be reviewed to ascertain thermal compatibility. -
"The IBM Clean Room Comes of Age."
A history of the IBM's Space Systems Center clean room and a description of its uses. -
"IBM Mobile Room Lends Flexibility to Apollo Saturn Unit Fabrication."
This article was published in the April 1967 issue of Contamination Control, Volume VI, Number 4. States: "The extreme sensitivity of critical parts in the Apollo /Saturn Instrument Unit (IU) has demanded unique clean room techniques by International Business Machines Corporation." -
"Instrument Unit to Navigate Saturn IB's First Flight.".
Within the first 10 minutes of NASA's initial Saturn IB flight, the Instrument Unit (IU), nervecenter of America's mightiest launch vehicle, is designed to make more than 7 million calculations, sample vehicle calculations 100 times a minute, telemeter 3 million numbers back to Earth, and measure the performance of 300 pieces of equipment in the IU, S-IB, and S-IVB stages. -
"IU Presentation and Dedication."
This is a note book that contains newspaper articles and photographs about the new IBM building in Huntsville, Alabama. It also has information about the Instrument Unit for the first Saturn IB flight. There is also information about the Saturn IB Instrument Unit being barged to Kennedy Space Center.; There are 2 pages that list the articles with the title, newspaper name, writer and date.; There are six color photographs that show the dedication of the IBM building and the Instrument Unit. One photograph has Dr. Wernher von Braun standing behind the ring. Two of the photographs show the Instrument Unit on a trailer being pulled by a truck.; Preferred Citation: [Identification of item] Saturn V Collection, Dept. of Archives/Special Collections, M. Louis Salmon Library, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL.