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  • mandevinfrep_051608125533.pdf.pdf

    The Committee on Interdivisional Dissemination of Manufacturing Development Information (CIDMDI) is comprised of NR - divisional representatives closely associated with advancement of the manufacturing arts . The purpose of the committee is to impart and receive development information of interest to NR manufacturing areas. Space Division's Central Manufacturing presents this CIDMDI Annual Report, for CFY 1968, in compliance with CIDMDI objectives. Included are research projects conducted by Central Manufacturing,as well as pertinent items submitted by the Apollo and Saturn Projects, for which, acknowledgement and appreciation are extended. Because of the large number of reports contained in this issue, only general information has been presented. Detailed data, if permissible, will be made available on request. For further information, contact L. B. Norwood, Space Division, Extension 1915.; PAP 68-0013.; Prepared by Advanced Projects Section of Central Manufacturing. L. B. Norwood, CIDMDI, Representative. F. H. Burry, Director, Manufacturing.
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