This German identity card, or Personalausweis, was issued to Berta Mrazek at Nestomitz, Germany (now Neštěmice, Czech Republic) in 1941. The card includes a photograph of Mrazek and her daughter Ursula.
UAH, then known as the University of Alabama Huntsville Center, circulated this letter in preparation for class registration and the center's integration in June 1963. Mason addresses the impending arrival of the first Black student, Dave Mack McGlathery, though he is not named in the letter. Mason emphasizes "that the academic program will proceed smoothly" and that "all persons and property will be protected," namely through a new student identification card system. Dave Mack McGlathery integrated the Huntsville Center on June 13, 1963, as he walked into Morton Hall to register for classes. His arrival proceeded uneventfully, though National Guardsmen were present to maintain order. Along with Vivian Malone, McGlathery was a plaintiff in the lawsuit to desegregate the University of Alabama.