UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • loc_hbhc_ledger1_000223 (125)_WLHalseyCo.pdf

    This is a W.L. Halsey customer account page on page 63 of Harrison Brothers Hardware Company customer account ledger 1, 1897-1904. Transactions and payments on this ledger page correspond to Harrison Brothers Hardware Company daybook 2, 1898-1902, and Harrison Brothers Hardware Company daybook 3, 1901-1903, and date from September 6, 1901 to November 17, 1903.
  • daily_accounts_book2_463_WLHalsey.pdf

    This image of a W.L. Halsey transaction from August 7, 1900, is cropped from page 471 of Harrison Brothers Hardware Company daybook 2, 1898-1902. The transaction on this page was paid for in cash and does not correspond to a customer account page. W.L. Halsey purchased tobacco products in this transaction. W.L. Halsey owned a grocery company in Huntsville, Alabama, and was a frequent customer at Harrison Brothers.
  • daily_accounts_book3_273_WLHalseyCo.pdf

    This image of a W.L. Halsey + Co. transaction from October 21, 1903, is cropped from page 273 of Harrison Brothers Hardware Company daybook 3, 1901-1903. The transaction on this page corresponds to page 63 in Harrison Brothers Hardware Company customer account ledger 1, 1897-1904. In this transaction, W.L. Halsey + Co. purchased various Queensware, metalware items, and 1 dozen opal chicks. W.L. Halsey + Co. was a grocery company in Huntsville, Alabama, and was a frequent customer at Harrison Brothers. Harrison Brothers began selling hardware products in 1903 and hardware and home furnishing items gradually became their primary merchandise.
  • loc_robf_Weekly_Mercury_1896.jpg

    This is an image of page six of the Weekly Mercury from July 1896. W.L. Halsey and C.H. Halsey advertisements for their grocery stores are featured on this page. Other advertisements on this page include "C.C. Anderson Druggist", "W.R. Rison & Co. Bankers", "Sheffey & Dean", and "Herstein & Lowenthal, Proprietors."