UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (7 total)

  • comboscif1engimont1_041607115913.pdf

    The set of documents includes an introductory letter written by D. Brainerd Holmes and Tischler's report with the subject "F-1 Combustion Instability Report for Associate Administrator; Period June-July 1963."
  • spc_stnv_000090.pdf

    This message for the Apollo Program Director contains a report of the Apollo launch vehicles, problem that occurred, and actions required. The photocopy is difficult to read.
  • memodrseamfromholm_041607120710.pdf

    Memorandum discussing a presentation regarding problems that needed solving, a "Dr. Evvard's" lack of cooperation and letters to Wernher von Braun.
  • launvehiengiprojdeveplanjanu1,1967.pdf

    This revised edition of the Launch Vehicle Engines Project Development Plan supersedes the issue dated July 1, 1965. Significant changes which have been made are:- Removal of classified data to permit publication as an unclassified document; - Removal of material applicable to the RL-10 Engine Project which was transferred to the Lewis Research Center effective May 1, 1966; - Elimination of detailed schedules which quickly become obsolete; - Punched for maintenance in loose-leaf 3-ring binders and for ease in updating material through issuance of replacement sheets. Binders are not furnished. The information in this document is current to January 1, 1967.; The Launch Vehicle Engines Project Development Plan is established in accordance with requirements of NASA General Management Instruction 4-1-1, Planning and Implementation of NASA Projects, and OMSF Instruction MP 9320.044, Preparation and Revision of Program/Project Development Plans (PDP's). The Plan, herein referred to as the PDP, has been developed within the scope of current Apollo Projects Approval Documents (PADS) and will be maintained by the Engine Program Manager to identify program requirements, responsibilities, tasks, and resources, and time phasing of major actions required to accomplish the Engine Program.
  • desidevel1500pounthru_062507103113.pdf

    Describes the F-1 engine design and components.
  • combustionoscillationsonthef1engine_041607125532.pdf

    The set of documents includes an introductory letter written by D. Brainerd Holmes and Tischler's report with the subject "F-1 Combustion Instability Report for Associate Administrator; Period March-April, 1963".
  • f-1eng.jpg

    8 x 10 inch black and white photograph. Engine parts are labeled.