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"Some select physiological, anthropometric, and human engineering data useful in vehicle design and logistic problems of space flight operations."
Report No. DSP-TM-2-60 31 p.; Pages which were blank (not scanned): 2, 26, 28 -
"Saturn V S-IC stage engine gimbal actuation system."
The actuation system for the Saturn V S-IC stage is described and compared to the Saturn I system. The use of mechanical feedback actuators that result in a significant increase in system reliability and the damping of load resonance is discussed. The unprecedented component sizes and system requirements are cited. -
"Saturn V S-IC stage engine gimbal actuation system."
The actuation system for the Saturn V S-IC stage is described and compared to the Saturn I system. The use of mechanical feedback actuators that result in a significant increase in system reliability and the damping of load resonance is discussed. The unprecedented component sizes and system requirements are cited. -
"Saturn IB/V Instrument Unit system description and component data: technical manual."
This manual contains a brief description of each Instrument Unit (IU) system and their respective components for S-IU-201 through 212 and S-IU-501 through 515. -
"Repository index of engineering reports and procedures."
This index is an inventory of engineering reports and procedures available in Repository files. The Repository files contain various headquarters, MSFC, MSC, KSC and contractor prepared documents related to the overall MSFC, Apollo Program Requirements. V.C. Sorensen, Chief Management Services Office.; Published quarterly with monthly supplements by: Document Repository Branch; Management Services Office; Marshall Space Flight Center. -
"The role of weighing in the development and firing of missile and spaceships."
Speech regarding the importance of developing and upgrading space ships and space technology. -
"Redundancy employing majority voting for a Saturn servoactuator."
R-ASTR-NF.; ABSTRACT: The servoactuator was developed to improve the reliability of the Saturn S-IVB thrust vector control system by insuring continued system operation if single point failures occur. The selection of the majority voting technique is discussed. Its simplicity is cited along with the advantages of minimum weight, size, power consumption, and compatibility with existing control electronics. Operational features, design mechanization, and the analysis of test results are covered. -
"The reliability of the all-up concept."
Prepared for George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama under contract NAS8-11087. Publication No. 294-02-12-440. Special Technical Report No. 13.; INTRODUCTION: The Saturn/Apollo Systems Office at the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) requested ARINC Research Corporation to make a brief study of the reliability aspects of the All-Up concept. Under the requirements of Task 294-02 of Contract NAS8-11087, the study included a comparison between the reliability of the first Saturn V vehicle if All-Up, and its reliability with dummy upper stages. -
"Pesco progress."
Article covering the development of cryogenic pumps.