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"The NASA/Grumman Apollo lunar module"
Handwritten in pencil on the document. Describes the layout and function of various sections of the Apollo lunar module. -
"Memorandum: John F. Kennedy Memorial Library in Massachusetts."
Memorandum from Wernher von Braun regarding a request made for NASA's cooperation to obtain resources from the Kennedy Memorial Library. -
Letter to Mr. Frank L. Murphy.
Letter to Frank L. Murphy from David L. Christensen informing of an awarded contract. Also requests documents. -
"Interview With Dr. Arthur Rudolph."
Transcription of an interview between Davis S. Akens and Arthur Rudolph -
"Documentation List for Saturn Stages S-11."
The information presented in this document represents a listing of all formal documentation prepared under contract NAS7-200. The listing has been arranged under major categories as specific in SID 61-366A, reissued 10 August 1964. Within each categorization , the reports and specifications have been listed in numerical sequence. -
"Documentation Repository."
This brochure describes, for the benefit of documentation users, the services and materials that are available from the Documentation Repository. The present operations of the Repository are illustrated to provide a comprehensive picture of work flow, time scheduling and product output. -
"Master plan for documentation management and use."
Prepared for National Aeronautics and Space Administration, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama. Accepted by V.C. Sorensen, Chief, Management Services Office. Management Services Project, RCA; SUMMARY: The objective of this study is to describe a comprehensive plan for the development and full utilization of methods and means to be employed in the years prior to 1976 for the effective acquisition, collection, storage, retrieval, distribution, and use of engineering documentation. Because of the violently changing state of the art of data acquisition, storage, and retrieval the description of the plan does not embrace the details of a total decade of phased change. Rather it describes actions that can and should be taken in the relatively near future, and proposes a continuing series of later studies to keep this plan current for the full decade. -
"Master plan for documentation management and use."
The objective of this study is to describe a comprehensive plan for the development and full utilization of methods and means to be employed in the years prior to 1976 for the effective acquisition, collection, storage, retrieval, distribution, and use of engineering documentation. Because of the violently changing state of the art of data acquisition, storage, and retrieval the description of the plan does not embrace the details of a total decade of phased change. Rather it describes actions that can and should be taken in the relatively near future, and proposes a continuing series of later studies to keep this plan current for the full decade.