UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • welcrymatforaerapp_121407125356.pdf

    Cryogenic propellant rocket engine hardware and the related test facilities will be described. Methods used for selection of alloys for liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen service will be discussed. Unique equipment and welding procedures are reviewed with emphasis on welding problems and their solutions to assure reliable hardware and facilities. Examples of specific welding procedures and methods of quality assurance will be given for joining application ranging in size from .001" to 11" thick sections.
  • theprooflartanforcryfue_071207131317.pdf

    Archive copy is a poor photocopy. Prepared for presentation at Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Raketentechnik und Raumfahrt. (German Society for Rocket Technology and Astronautics). Given by E. Harpoothian, Chief Engineer, Structures Department, Development Engineering.; Tanks for cryogenic fluids, as used in the Saturn space vehicles, have reached an advanced stage of design and development. Many of the structural features of the NASA/Douglas Saturn tanks, fabricated of 2014-T6 aluminum alloy, were first developed for the booster of the Thor ballistic missile, which later found extensive use in putting space vehicles into orbit. There is a mutual dependence of important factors related to design concepts, selection of materials, processing techniques, and fabrication methods. It is shown that this mutual dependence must be considered if a successful vehicle is to emerge from design and development. Details of vehicle structure, provision for insulation, and manufacturing methods are presented. Criteria for the selection of materials is shown to be dependent on strength, ductility, weldability, toughness, fabricability, behavior at cryogenic temperatures, and on manufacturing methods and inspection techniques.
  • thedevofaboncombulforsat_090707133327.pdf

    A Part of the development of the Saturn S-IV/S-IVB stage the Douglas Aircraft Company has pioneered in the development of the cryogenic common bulkhead. The term common bulkhead is derived from the design function of the bulkhead, which is to separate the two cryogenics, liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, in a single tank, thereby shortening the stage and eliminating the necessity for two separate bulkheads and the associated interstage structure. The common bulkhead is structurally adequate to withstand both the thermal and the pressure loads from both the hydrogen and the oxygen tanks, and it has sufficient insulation properties to prevent the liquid hydrogen from freezing the liquid oxygen. Another benefit from the common bulkhead is that it permits a reduction in the total length of the vehicle, thereby reducing the bending moments.
  • Fabrofplentankbyexplformandelecbeamweld_111507104932.pdf

    This report presents the results of a program initiated to study the use of explosive forming and electron beam fusion welding techniques in the fabrication of pressurized cryogenic materials containers. Using these techniques, vessels were successfully formed from 304 stainless steel and X7106 aluminum alloy in the T63 condition.; Manufacturing Research and Technology Division.; Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory.; Research and Development Operations.