UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (14 total)

  • daily_accounts_book3_494_HBRebuild.pdf

    This is an image of the Harrison Brothers' contractor account page on page 500 of Harrison Brothers Hardware Company daybook 3, 1901-1903. The dates on this page range from January 30 to January 12 of unknown years. This page lists several contractors, such as D.S. Brandon and A.M. Booth, who worked on the Harrison Brothers store rebuild project in 1902 after a severe fire in December 1901. This page lists payments to various workers, such as a plumber, and the costs of supplies, such as bricks.
  • loc_hutc_000156_000156.pdf

    This letter states that Baxter Brothers will furnish the material and labor for the construction of the Hutchens' building for $23,000.00.
  • spc_dann_000138.mp4

    (Originally titled "X-mas 1956" and dated as such.) Film shows new construction on Panorama Drive in Huntsville, Alabama. Dannenberg family members Konrad, Klaus, and Ingeborg as well as their new dog walk around the site and help out the construction workers. Konrad Dannenberg's notes on the side of the film box read, "1) The 'Batterboards' are up 2) Laying of Concrete Blocks 3) IMK w/Peabody - Ulla w/Peabody 4) Klaus and Ko filling in Foundation 5) Life Size Shot of Ko w/hatchet." Winter 1958.
  • spc_dann_000162.mp4

    The first half of this film shows the outside of the Dannenbergs' new house being painted. Also shown are Konrad, Ingeborg and Klaus inspecting the new dwelling. The latter half of the film shows the construction crew digging a path for a pipe to be run into the building, presumably for septic waste. Fall 1958.
  • spc_dann_000161.mp4

    Film opens showing a lot for sale on Crescent Drive, location unknown. Later, Konrad, Klaus, and Ingeborg Dannenberg arrive to inspect the lot. After parking, they walk over to an area that has been staked out and roped off, presumably the site of some future construction. Konrad Dannenberg's notes on the side of the film box read, "1) General View of the Lot 2) IMK arrives in Rambler 3) Klaus and Peabody on Lot 4) Gen'l. shots of House Location. Film fair, needs explan." 1958.
  • spc_dann_000171.mp4

    Continuation of the construction on the Dannenbergs' new home. Primarily shown is some of the roof framing, masonry work, and propping up the beams over the family room. Film also depicts an older couple being shown around the house while still under construction. Summer/Autumn 1958.
  • spc_dann_000170.mp4

    The work depicted in this film is the laying of the foundation and basement as well as the delivery and erection of the lumber for use in the floor and first story walls of the Dannenbergs' new home.Konrad Dannenberg's notes on the film box read, "1) The lumber arrives w/the Vick's Lumber Co, Hamilton 2) OD Porter moves bricks 3) Laying the subfloor frame (Newton + T. Walker) 4) Newton smirks w/satisfaction 5) Kids on house [illegible] 6) View of house struts walls. Summer 1958.
  • spc_dann_000169.mp4

    This film shows the starting work on the Dannenbergs' new house. They first chop down and burn all of the foliage that's growing where the house will be. Then a construction crew comes in and grades the site. The final shot shows Konrad and Klaus Dannenberg marking the corners of the new house. Konrad Dannenberg's notes on the film box read, "1) Cleaning of House Area, Tommy + Klaus 2) Grading w/ Digger (IMK) 3) Woodburning + chopping 4) [illegible] and hose w/ transit 5)Ko and Klaus setting up corners. Very good film!" Summer 1958.
  • spc_dann_000168.mp4

    Roofing work continues on the Dannenbergs' new house. In this film, the roof is being built over the family room. Klaus Dannenberg is shown climbing up onto the roof to check it out. Summer/Autumn 1958.