This film focuses on the roofing work on the Dannenbergs' new house. Shown are workers trimming the eaves of the roof as well as nailing down the weatherproof cover to the top of the roof. Summer/Autumn 1958.
Construction continues on the Dannenbergs' new house. Seen in this film is bricklaying of the outer wall, framing of the roof, and the pouring and smoothing over of the concrete carport slab. Summer 1958.
The film shows the Dannenbergs' new house well under construction. The principle activities shown are the crafting of the roof joists and some of the bricklaying. Summer 1958.
First clip shows some of the construction on the house, namely a worker digging a trench into the house as well as other workers modifying the electric lines to serve their new house. The rest of the film shows the Dannenberg Family (Konrad, Klaus, Ingeborg) looking over plans for what the house is eventually going to look like. Winter 1958.