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  • pdf_040108104245.pdf

    This report represents the consolidated instrumentation plan for employing optical and electronic data acquisition systems to monitor the performance and trajectory of the Apollo/Saturn 1B vehicle, AS-2 04/LM-1, during powered flight. Telemetry and electronic tracking equipment on board the vehicle, and data acquisition systems monitoring the flight are discussed. Flight safety instrumentation and vehicle data transmission are described, and geophysical information is provided. This plan reflects the general instrumentation coverage requirements set forth in the NASA Program Support Requirements Document (PSRD) for Apollo/Saturn 16, and the commitments of Eastern Test Range (ETR) Operations Directive (OD) No. 4206,dated 15 August 1967. This plan is not intended to conflict with or to supersede either document. The information presented in this document reflects planning concepts developed prior to October 1, 1967.
  • Measurementsonthesaturnspacevehicle_041408135140.pdf

    The history of man might be considered as an ever increasing quantity and quality of measurements. Measurements related to space have been made by early astronomers, modern astronomers, and now by aerospace technologists. The manned lunar landing, a major national goal, has given us the means to measure in space. The space vehicle development itself has made heavy demands on instrumentation; this is discussed in some detail in this paper. The advantages of the International System of Units are mentioned. Some examples are used to illustrate the future of space measurement.
  • satuinstrsystems_041707143924.pdf

    Paper to be presented at the Third International Flight Test Instrumentation Symposium College of Aeronautics. A brief description of the Saturn vehicles is given, delineating the makeup of and differences between the Saturn I, Saturn IB, and Saturn V.
  • saturnsa-1flighanditsinstrumenta_031607091738.pdf

    Presentation focusing on empahsising the importance of space programs such as Saturn.