UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • spc_stnv_000055.pdf

    This paper presents a discussion of a hybrid simulation used to dynamically verify the Saturn Guidance and Control subsystems. First, the Saturn vehicle is briefly described to provide background information. The Instrument Unit (IU) is considered in more detail to give a proper setting for the Guidance and Flight Control (G and FC) discussion that follows. After a brief description of the actual G and FC System operation, simulation models of the G and FC components are considered in detail. This is followed by a discussion of the model assignment to a particular computer (digital or analog) and justification for making that assignment. Finally, results of the AS-204/LM1 hybrid simulation studies are briefly considered with mention of the actual flight data.
  • spc_stnv_000058.pdf

    The introduction notes, "The Saturn V launch vehicle is being developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's George C. Marshall Space Flight Center for Project Apollo; Saturn I and Saturn IB vehicles are providing the early testing and support for Project Apollo. The nerve center of the Saturn is its guidance and control system. An airborne digital computer provides the link which closes both the guidance and control loops,making verification of the flight computer program of vital importance. During a powered flight this onboard digital computer program can be divided into four major parts:a) guidance, including navigation, b) control, c) vehicle sequencing, and d) computer telemetry."
  • spc_stnv_000079.pdf

    This document contains a transcription of the pre-launch press conference for Apollo 4. It includes the questions asked and answers given by participants Dr. Robert C. Seamans, Dr. George E. Mueller, Major General Samuel C. Phillips, Dr. Kurt H. Debus, and Dr. Wernher von Braun.
  • pdf_043008093902.pdf

    The flrst flight test of the Apollo/Saturn V space vehicle is scheduled for launch from the Natlonal Aeronautics and Space Administration's John F, Kennedy Space Center, Fla., no earlier than Nov. 7. The mission is designated Apollo 4.
  • spc_stnv_000068.pdf
  • spc_stnv_000081.pdf

    This document contains the transcription from the Apollo 5 post-launch press conference, including all the questions asked and answers given by participants Major General Samuel C. Phillips, Rocco A. Petrone, and Colonel William Teir.
  • spc_stnv_000088.pdf

    This document contains a transcript of the pre-launch conference, including the questions asked and the answers given by participants William C. Schneider, Rocco A. Petrone, George M. Low, Col. William Teir, Col. Royce Olson, Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., and Eugene F. Kranz.
  • spc_stnv_000074.pdf

    The press conference was given at Cape Royal News Center in Cocoa Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, April 3, 1968, at 3:30 PM. Participants: William C. Schneider, Apollo Mission Director, NASA; George M. Low, Apollo Spacecraft Manager, NASA; Clifford Charlesworth, Apollo 6 Flight Director, Manned Spacecraft Center, NASA; Dr. Arthur Rudolph, Saturn V Program Office, Marshall Space Flight Center, NASA; Rocco A. Petrone, Apollo 6 Launch Director, Kennedy Space Center, NASA; Col. Royce Olson, USAF, Director DOD Manned Spaceflight Support Office, Patrick AFB; Chris Kraft, Director of Flight Operations, Manned Spacecraft Center.
  • scan0009rev_080107115937.jpg

    8 x 10 inch black and white diagram of an Apollo spacecraft, each section labled for easy identification.
  • spc_stnv_000084.pdf

    According to the purpose found in section 1.1, "Volume I provides a guide for the preparation of specifications for existing equipment in the Apollo/Saturn Program."