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The "Apollo/Saturn Data Handbook."
According to the preface, "This handbook provides KSC management personnel with general information relative to the Apollo-Saturn program. Emphasis is placed on Saturn launch facilities and related support equipment. Saturn vehicle parameters are included for general information. -
Memorandum to update the "Apollo/Saturn Logistics Support Requirements Plan."
This memorandum contains the pages to be changed in the logistics program for the Apollo/Saturn Project. The logistics plan includes the design, procuring, manufacturing, and production processes. This plan formalizes the program, improves logistic support, and implements management and action plans. -
"Apollo Vehicle Propulsion Systems."
This paper discusses the propulsion requirements for various stages of the Apollo vehicles and the development of these engines. -
"Uses of Saturn."
Saturn and Apollo hardware will not have realized their ultimate potential for space exploration after the project lunar landing is complete. To accomplish the Apollo lunar landing program, an immense backlog of technology, facilities, and booster capability will have been built up, and we believe proper utilization of this resource will fill the needs for planetary, lunar and earth orbital space exploration for years to come. -
"The uprated Saturn I - its growth potential & future role in space."
Remarks by Vaino J. Vehko, Director of Engineering, Chrysler Corporation Space Division at 30th Annual Meeting, Aviation/Space Writers Association, Las Vegas, Nevada -
"Technical Information Summary Apollo 8 (AS-503) Apollo Saturn V Space Vehicle."
This document is prepared jointly by the Marshall Space Flight Center laboratories R-AERO-P, R-ASTR -S, and R-P&VE-VN . The document presents a brief and concise description of the AS-503 Apollo Saturn Space Vehicle. Where necessary, for clarification, additional related information has been included. It is not the intent of this document to completely define the Space Vehicle or its systems and subsystems in detail. The information presented herein, by text and sketches, describes launch preparation activities, launch facilities, and the space vehicle. This information permits the reader to follow the space vehicle sequence of events beginning a few hours prior to liftoff to its journey into space. -
"The TV system for the Apollo telescope mount."
Focuses on the construction and future use of the Apollo space telescope. The components described in this paper except for those listed otherwise were designed by the Space Support Division of Sperry Rand Corporation to specifications established by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Appreciation is extended to MSFC for permission to publish this paper and for data and help provided for its preparation. -
"Test Laboratory monthly progress report" January.
Laboratory monthly progress report for the Saturn 1B program between dates January 1st through January 31st, 1968. -
"Test Laboratory monthly progress report" September.
Laboratory monthly progress report for the Saturn 1B program between dates September 1st through September 31st, 1967. -
"Test Laboratory monthly progress report" June.
Laboratory monthly progress report for the Saturn 1B program between dates June 1st through June 31st, 1967.