UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • Summofmajonasa_041309110826.pdf

    This is the first Quarterly Supplement to the October 1968 edition of GP 381, ''A Summary of Major NASA Launchings (Eastern Test Range and Western Test Range)." This Supplement covers the period from October 1 to December 31, 1968. Two additional Quarterly Supplements will be issued during 1969. Each of these will list those major NASA launchings occurring during the three-month period it covers. The basic publication will be revised and reissued, incorporating the information contained in the Supplements, as well as covering the final three-month period, subsequent to October 1, 1969. William A. Lockyer, Jr.
  • statsmodforsaturn_012508122337.pdf

    This report presents the logic leading to a mathematical expression for mission availability. Mission availability is treated as the probability that the cumulative downtime occurring during a mission of given length will be less than the time constraint. This is opposed to more general approaches such as steady state or instantaneous availability or operating time versus real time. We intend to present a practical and usable mathematical model by deduction and demonstration. The development is based on exponentially distributed downtimes. Experience shows that certain systems follow exponential downtime distributions except near zero. This error is often so small that it may be neglected. A future report will present a downtime distribution which will account for this small error.
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